Grail: "Thank `Q'"- `Staff Meeting' Prologue<<Captains Ready Room 10:00 hours>>
She stood silently in the corner farthest from the door. The corner was subdued in shade, but still, she was clearly visible. Her Starfleet uniform showed the pips of an Admiral, but none responded to her rank. In fact, there was no one who could honestly even say they noticed her.
Epic Terrakian seated himself at the Captains right hand chair. He glanced over at the beautiful Admiral in the corner, then looked across the table at Corvette Hunt. Hunts eyes were a cold place to find yourself, so he looked away.
Epic returned his attention to the Admiral. She looked directly at him. Her hair was long and unbound. It was a rich golden honey color and the Terran Sun that shone weakly through the port window gave it a sheen like a soft halo. Her eyes were blue and happy, if a little too wise. And her eyes seemed incongruous to the fresh blossom of her youthful body. But, as she looked way from him, so too did Epic look away, having no further interest in her.
Each person seated around the table recognized the Admiral for who and what she was and yet none felt compelled to respond to her presence in any way.
`Hiding in plain sight.', Epics mind offered him. But, the thought confused him. Why did he think such a strange thought? He looked over at the pretty Admiral standing in the corner opposite the doors. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. Then, he gave her no further consideration.
Suddenly, everyone rose as the Captain entered the Ready Room from his private quarters. He waved everyone into their seats with a dismissive gesture.
Cochran looked over at the still standing Admiral, smiled quickly, then bent over his computer terminal. When he looked up again, he didn't even notice her.
Q simply watched as the assembled group finally finished their bantering and prepared to get to the meat of the affair.
The Betazoid kept looking up at her. She should have been completely disregarded by all present as an inconsequential detail, but the Betazoid kept looking at her. All she could do was smile. He was so cute. He looked like a new-born baby trying to focus on its mothers face.
A few of them had given her a second look, but no one would react to her presence. Not until she chose to allow herself to be perceived. And now was not yet the time.
But soon.....
<<OOC: If the Grail were a motion picture:
Captain Cochran -- Charlton Heston
Q -- Elizabeth Shue
Epic Terrakian -- Ray Liotta>>