Grail: "Thank Q"- ‘The Big Chair’<<Stardate: 47307.16- 13:10>>
Commander Epic Terrakian left the Captains Ready Room and headed straight for the Captains chair. He sat slowly, settling into it like a warm bath. He tapped an access code into the armrest PADD and awaited the incoming reports that were sure to start piling up. In the event the ship went into ‘alert’ status, all departments were required to report their ‘Ready’ status and to run low-level diagnostics on all systems to insure optimum performance of all systems.
Epic swiveled slightly to his left, watching the dark-haired Lt. Cara Hatcher as she ran her own series on instruments and sensors. She was completely absorbed.
Over at Sciences, En. Prexis, a Vulcan, was also running sensor diagnostics. She stood tall and straight, her eyes and hands the only animated part of her. Epic had always harbored a deep respect for Vulcans, but that respect was enhanced since his experiences with R’Laurent, the Vulcan/Klingon half-breed. R’Laurent had abandoned her Vulcan half to save Epics life. That Vulcan now lived within him. Prexis looked up at him suddenly, aware of his scrutiny. Epic smiled in reflex and some small embarrassment, but the Science Officer simply nodded in acknowledgement, then returned to her work. Epic faced forward again and looked at the back of Lt. Alison Donucci. Her hair seemed a chaotic tangle, but it still looked perfect. She had her hands full, working with her new assistant, collating information and feeding it into the Helm Controls and Navigation. Alison’s assistant was....
‘Son of a ....’, Epic exclaimed in his mind.
Epic stood to move behind the pair. "François DeMontigny. I don’t believe it."
François turned to look up at the voice who called him by name. The man had obviously anticipated this meeting, because a sly grin was already on his face as he stood. They shook hands and nodded. Oddly, there seemed little to say.
"Commander.", François grinned, emphasizing Epics rank with a chiding, as if making a joke about the Betazoids ‘royalty’. Epic laughed.
"Yeah. Yeah. You staying out of trouble?", Epic asked.
François shook his head with a smile. "Nope. You?" "Ahem.", Alison Donucci cleared her throat in an obvious manner, indicating François’ station with her eyes. He smiled wider. "Of course.", Epic nodded to Alison. "François, let’s have a drink tonight in 10 Forward. After your shift. Say 17:00?" "Of course.", he said, then looked down at Alison. "Unless my supervisor makes a better offer."
Alison let her expression do the talking.
"See you there.", François subdued a laugh as he returned to his work.
Epic stood there, in the center of the Bridge, surveying his domain as he imagined the Terran conqueror Alexander the Great had. Soon, it would all be his. Odd that it did not seem to matter that it would mean the death of his natural father to acquire it. But, Epic Terrakian had only just become aware that Zebediah Cochran was his father. He hadn’t had time yet to grow attached. That might change. He already had a great deal of respect for the man. As a leader and as a Tactician. Only a man as cunning as Cochran could have defeated the Cardassians as he had. Of course, he had done it without the consent of Starfleet Command. And that was why he was here. And that was why Epic was here.
Zebediah Cochran had, at most, a year to live. And only Epic and Cochran himself was aware of that fact. And when the Captain finally sailed that last ship beyond the final horizon, the Grail would belong to Epic Terrakian, Cochran’s last and only gift to the son he never met before.
Captain Epic Terrakian. He liked the way sounded. Epic settled once again into the Big Chair. He tapped the armrest PADD and read the reports that were already piling up.