Grail: "Thank Q"- `Conjunction'<<Stardate: 47307.16- 13:40>>
"Captain to the Bridge.", Commander Epic Terrakian called again, but, no response. Epic took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"Computer. Locate Captain Cochran."
- Captain Cochran is in his quarters. Deck 2.- , the computer responded efficiently.
Epic tapped his Commbadge. "Terrakian to Security.
=^= En. Dimitri here, sir. =^=
"I want you to go to the Captains quarters and see what is detaining him. You have authorization to enter without permission if he fails to respond.", Epic didn't look at anyone as he spoke. Then, he looked at Q. She wore a somber expression as he issued the order.
"Lt. Hatcher. Inform Starfleet by coded sub-space message of our current situation and location. Inform me when we have a response. Cara Hatcher tapped at her console. "At this distance, we can expect a response in no less than 48 hours."
The Bridge became silent as she said that. It was a very real indicator of how far away from home they actually were. Their departure should have been more gradual. This was a shock.
"Helm. We will hold this position in anticipation of the 'Indiana', scheduled to arrive on stardate 47307.20.", Epic looked to Donucci and DeMontigny.
"Lt. Hatcher. If the Federation is reacting to that destabilized wormhole, you can bet that the Romulans will, also. And, they are less than 40 light years, worst case, from this position. I want our status upgraded to a Red Alert."
Epic turned to her and nodded. She depressed the necessary sequence and suddenly, the Bridge lights faded as the red emergency lighting began to pulse. "Allow two minutes, then discontinue Audio Alert, maintaining Visual alert until I order a stand-down."
Cara nodded and watched her instruments for the necessary time.
"Lt. DeMontigny. Report to the Battle Bridge. Lt. Stone. You will also report to the Battle Bridge." Epic stopped to stare at the two men. They stepped lively and responded to the Red Alert protocols.
Epic slapped his commbadge again. "Terrakian to Lt. Kaje. Scramble your Runabouts and prepare to leave the Grail on my orders."
=^= Acknowledged. =^=, came Arda Kaje's response.
Epic slapped his commbadge again. To all watching, the Betazoid acted with the swift precision of a born leader. There was no hesitation and no reluctance to spit out orders. In the absence of the Captain, there was no concern.
"Terrakian to Lt. Parker."
=^= Parker, here. =^=
"Report to the Battle Bridge, lieutenant.", Epic ordered and closed the channel before Parker could give an acknowledgement.
Epic slapped his badge yet again. "Terrakian to Security."
=^=Dimitri, here, sir. I have dispatched an officer to the Captains quarters and a squad in response to another alarm at Science Lab 14.=^=
Epics eyes widened. It was all happening at once. It was almost chaos. So, why was he enjoying it so much? But, the answer was obvious. The level of excitement, shipwide, had elevated suddenly. The energy of that ambient excitement filled him and fed him like an infusion of nuclear power. He was almost `high' on the excitement.
"Excellent, Dimitri. I also need a squad to meet me at Shuttlebay 4. Armed. Now."
=^=Affirmative. =^=, Dimitri replied.
Epic turned to Prexis, the Vulcan at Sciences. "Ensign. Care to join me? We need to have a look at that shuttlepod."
The Vulcan woman said nothing. However, she collected her tricorder and a padd and stepped over to the turbolift to wait. Epic walked up to her. The lift opened. As they both entered, Epic spun to face front. Before the doors closed, he called.
"Lt. Hatcher. You have the Bridge."
<<OOC: Hello All. This is only the first part of a short series I will continue in the morning. It is getting late and I have an early start tomorrow. I will also finish early, so by noon, I will finish with a response to Corvette Hunts post which will be titled `Decoy' and a response to Eve Mallory/ Logan Castles 'Discoveries and Revelations' titled `The Intruder'. After completing these two posts, look for prompts to each of you individually for the details of what will be coming each of your way next. The s**t is about to hit the fan.>>