Subject: Grail: "Thank Q"- `Staff Meeting' Part 2

<<Captains Ready Room>>

Cochran was silent for a long while following his opening soliloquy. He looked at them all in turn. Then, with a nod, he got down to business. Turning to the wall behind him, Cochran thumbed a button on the viewer. Suddenly, the gray screen exploded with the image of the Milky Way Galaxy. It was beautiful in its brilliant and stark pattern.

Imposed over the dazzling image was the boundary indicators that defined the galaxy by quadrant. Then, it went on to further subdivide the known Alpha Quadrant into the familiar borders that marked the Klingon Empire. The Romulans. The Federation of Planets.

And beyond the Alpha Quadrant, their destination, the Delta Quadrant. And, the Borg.

But, that was years away in their futures. Cochran brought into sharper perspective their more immediate flight path. When magnified, the sectors being scrutinized showed individual solar systems. And finally, one particular solar system, named on the viewer as S'ska S'slithi, came into focus.

This solar system, lorded by a red dwarf sun, supported 39 planetoids, of whose satellites were too numerous to be determined by long range sensors.

"And of the 39 planetoids, 6 were M Class planets. Starfleet suggests that perhaps a few of them have been artificially formed due to the unlikelihood of so many planets in the same system being able to support life. But no one knows for sure. The S'slithi have always been very selective about what they have been willing to share. We don't even really know what they look like.

"The Federation has been communicating with the S'slithi for 27 years by subspace correspondence. No formal contact has ever been made. We have never gone that far."

Cochran took a moment to let that point sink in.

"So, in five weeks of sustaining warp 8 during all scheduled warp jumps, we will adopt a geo-synchronous orbit around the stars 17th planet, called Yss. We are the invited guests of the S'slithi.

"After a semi-formal ceremony that will be performed by their spiritual leaders, we will be permitted to land an Ambassadors attaché. Due to the high gamma radiation levels emitted by the red dwarf sun, transporter use will be suspended. A runabout will carry our ambassadors to the planets surface. And, will bring back with them, the Ambassadors of Yss."

Cochran jabbed at the buttons on his table top terminal. He read quickly for a moment, his lips moving soundlessly, then spoke again.

"Commander Terrakian."

Epic stood easily and nodded once to the Captain, then, he addressed the table.

"Serving as Federation Ambassadors to the S'slithi, the following are assigned:

"Lt. Cara Hatcher. Lt. Logan Castle. Lt. Eve Mallory. Lt. Loren Vai. En. John Parker. Each is allowed one assistant from their department."

Cochran spoke again.

"And this is what I will be looking for from all of you.

"Once again, due to wild radiation levels, orbital scans will be almost impossible. We're going to need to ask questions and put our eyes on the things we want to learn from the S'slithi. And I have a feeling they will become as selective in their tours as they were with our questionnaires.

"I want to learn as much as we can about these people, but I want to stress my desire to minimize personal risk if they are not as disclosing as we hope. Nothing clandestine. We ask questions. We smile politely at the answers.

"There will be no emergency beam-outs if you paint yourselves into a corner."

He let that point sink in.

"Hatcher. I want to know what their strategic capabilities are. I want as much as you can get. Starships. Troops. Defensive strengths. I need to know how they measure up. I need your impression of their courage and resolve. You will be matched to one of their generals who will work with you. That generals name, and other pertinent details are contained in a file that will be released after this ship is underway."

A few raised an eyebrow at such an odd requirement.

"Castle. I want you to give me an understanding of their habits as a people. I want to understand their personal security procedures. What are they afraid of? You will be matched with one of their Defenders, their term for their internal security."

All the while, Terrakian stared transfixed at the older man. He couldn't stop staring.

"Mallory. Vai. We have never had a survey done of this world. Your jobs are cut out for you. I want to know everything. However, there will be priorities to observe."

Cochran turned to Epic.

"En. John Parker will serve as primary ambassador and liaison between the S'slithi and the Grail. Now, before I hear anything about rank, John Parker is the officer I chose. Live with it. Look at his record and you'll agree he is the man for the job.

"Parker will be coordinating all activity with the S'slithi, including tours, surveys, and demonstrations. Let him know what your requirements will be and he will organize it."

Epic Terrakian rose to speak.

"In the event of catastrophic failure and the away team is placed in danger, command of the team falls to Lt. Cara Hatcher, seconded by Lt. Logan Castle."

Cochran addressed Eve Mallory specifically. "Starfleet will not be replacing Lt. Comm. R'Laurent. Lieutenant Mallory, you will be assuming the responsibilities of the Science Department, effective as of 09:17 this morning."

Then, to En. John Parker.

"Mr. Parker. I am restoring to you the rank of lieutenant junior grade. You will assume the responsibilities of the Assistant Chief of Operations, effective immediately."

Terrakian spoke up again.

"In the next few weeks, I need the ten of you, you and your personal assistants, to get real well acquainted. Hatcher. Castle. I want you to organize drills and scenarios using holodeck resources. I want you to be more than accountants and ambassadors. I want you to

become a fighting unit. The success of this first away mission will affect the way we proceed in the future."

Terrakian made eye contact with each of them and gave a nod to underscore his seriousness.

"And that brings us to the S'slithi Ambassadors to the Grail....", Cochran said as he looked to the others.

<< I will soon, within hours, post Part 3. More info than I thought.>>