Subject: Grail: "Thank Q"- `Staff Meeting- `Reports'

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 12:05>>

<<Captains Ready Room>>

Commander Epic Terrakian exited Captain Cochran's office into the Ready Room. There were two women already there, but they seemed to take no notice of one another. They both, however, turned at Epics entrance. Epic ignored the smiling blond Admiral and walked up to stand before the other female who stood to greet him.

"Commander Terrakian.", she said with a perfect smile, standing in a posture, if not an attitude, of attention. She shook the hand that Epic offered, but they each flinched at the static electric `shock' that tickled their hands. Then, they laughed.

"And you must be Lt. Lorelei.", Epic said as he sat, indicating the chair directly opposite his. They each flanked the Captains chair.

"Yes. My shuttle only just arrived. My transfer from DS5 was improperly communicated, so I was unable to get permission to board the Grail."

Epic listened to the exotically accented woman and managed to keep his eyes focused on her eyes, staving off the urge to look at her smooth clean head and gracefully curved neck. He wondered if all Deltan females were bald, or whether it was a preferred affectation. He wanted to ask, but thought the question might be considered rude.

"We have had very few volunteers for this mission. I wonder what your particular interest is.", Epic asked as he sat back and crossed his legs, ankle on knee.

Lorelei smiled, her eyes, like aquamarines, sparkled. "`To boldly go where no one has gone before.'" She almost laughed.

Epic smiled. If this had been a job interview, he would have hired her immediately. But, she already had the job. She was the `shrink' on the Titanic. Good Luck.

At that moment, Cara Hatcher, followed close behind by Logan Castle, entered the room. Epic noted that Logan waited for Cara to sit before sitting himself. Epic mentally shrugged.

Almost immediately following the Chiefs of Tactical and Security, came Dr. Loren Vai. Then, Lt. Alison Donucci. Epic felt an immediate wave of oscillating emotions that seemed to ebb and crest in a flow between the doctor and the pilot. Epic would have given it more thought, but, at that moment, Corvette Hunt entered, followed by John Parker.

Lt. Comm. Hunt had an anxious look on his pale face. The muscles at his clenched jaw writhed visibly. When the Chief of Ops realized that all were not yet present, he sat and chewed whatever gristle he had in his teeth. But, Epic knew, whatever it was, was important.

Lt. Arda Kaje entered, and Epic was grateful for the opportunity to smile. She sat to the right of Cara Hatcher. Logan Castle half-rose from his seat and acknowledged her with a nod. She had a PADD in her hand which she sat on the table. She then sat straight and waited patiently. Epic smiled even wider, lowering his face to hide it. He imagined Arda might have looked that way on her first day of school. A sudden pang struck his heart and he looked at her. She was looking at him, but her expression seemed inquisitive.

Lt. Eve Mallory entered. Castle rose respectfully out of his chair as she sat. Epic wondered if Castle always did that. There were still two ladies yet to arrive. The man was going to be worn out before it was over.

And, no sooner had he thought it, when Lt. Comm. Janice Hargen and Lt. Kaitlyn Brennan entered. And Epics heart sank as he looked at them. Something was wrong. He felt it in Kaitlyn's heart and saw it in Janice's eyes.

With everyone finally present, Epic stood and addressed them.

"First, allow me to introduce Lt. Lorelei of Delta IV. She has

transferred from DS5 to join us."

Most of the expressions seemed surprised, but each nodded or spoke a quick greeting.

"Next, I must address the many serious looks I'm seeing. So, I will dispense with protocols and open the table up."

Epic looked at each of them and said. "All right. Who's first? What is going on?"

<<Because of the staggered response times of each of us as individuals, most Staff Meetings will be run as a sort of `round-robin' discussion. Each post picking up from the last sent, allowing the succeeding authors to address points already made. See you soon.>>