Grail: "Thank Q"-‘Staff Meeting- Interrogation Protocols’<<Stardate: 47307.16- 12:55>>
<<Captains Ready Room>>
Epic looked from, first, Janice Hargen, then, to Logan Castle. The look on the Security Chiefs face was priceless. Logan Castle was no empath, but he must have suspected the effect Janice Hargen’s words would have on Epic, because he seemed both surprised and amused. But the feeling that Epic sensed in the younger man could best be described as ‘stymied’. Castle already suspected he was sunk. And, he seemed ready to accept it. And he WAS sunk.
He just didn’t know why.
"Mr. Castle.", Epic started slowly. "I, of course, will not interrupt or disrupt your investigation. However, in the interests of assisting such an interrogation, Lt. Hargen should be present. She might be able to support your speculations with fact and references. "Also, she should be able to spot any deceptions that might elude you because of her natural understanding of technical sciences that you have not been trained to observe or suspect."
Castle nodded in abdication, and Epic ‘felt’ that the Security Chief genuinely agreed and understood.
Epic scrolled down his display until he found a piece of information that he needed.
"And, if you’ll refer to the roster again, Ens. Charon and Bryant are on Beta and Gamma shifts, respectively. They would not, under most circumstances, be on duty at the same time. Not that this information absolves either of them, but in the interests of accuracy, I feel the need to point that out."
Castle scrolled down his own display and grimaced at his error. He nodded in abeyance to both the Commander, and the pair of engineers who favored him with tight expressions.
"So, if there is no further objections or suggestions, we have work to do. Lieutenants. Proceed with your investigation." As they started to file out, Epic caught Janice Hargen’s eye and favored her with a quick wink. She smiled slyly and followed Logan Castle out the door.