Subject: USS Grail: "Thank Q" - Staff Meeting: Science Report

USS Grail: "Thank Q" - Staff Meeting: Science Report


Lieutenant (jg) Eve Mallory - Chief Science Officer

<Conference Room>

Eve entered the room, her attention only half on the PADD in front of her. The attempted break-in to SL14 was upmost on her mind. There should have been a security team arriving at the same time she had, but no one had come. Which meant that whoever it was, had somehow bypassed Security. And they'd used her code to get in, but had been tripped up on the retinal print; again hers. And she could hazard a guess as to why.

Retinal scans have a wide margin for error, due to changes in the patterns over periods of time, as the body itself goes through millions of microscopic changes every day. But her retinal pattern, like the rest of her, didn't do that. There was no drift at all in the 3 months since her return, and according to the test results there wouldn't be either. So the computer had been set to register her pattern as unchanging, but whoever had attempted the break-in hadn't known that.

But why had the break-in been attempted? The only members of the crew who knew about the contents of the lab where Castle, Terrakian, the captain and herself. Which meant that someone from outside the ship had to have tried it. But again, why? To destroy the Borg? If they knew it was there, they had to know it was for research, to help them fight the Collective.

But Blake wouldn't let anyone near the lab for the moment. Karen Blake may have her faults, but she was not one to shirk a command. Which brought her neatly to the next question:-

What was she doing on the Grail?

Eve scanned through the duty roster that was in the report; R'Laurent had put that together, not herself. There it was, in Yellow shift, down at the top. Karen Blake. Archaeology and Anthropology Officer. Science Officer on Starfleet's fast-track. Heart-Breaking, Seducing Bitch with a heart of stone. Fixated on her career to...

She cut off that line of thought. It was in the past. And that was where it was going to stay. Unless Blake made an issue of it in one of her little head-games.

Castle slid into the seat next to her. "Miss me?" Eve looked up with a smile, glad that he'd taken her out of her dark mood. She could suddenly feel eyes on her though.

"Terribly," She replied. Then, she became serious. "There was an attempt to access SL14 during our break. I went to investigate and found nothing. I left my.... " She paused. What had she been about to say? "I left a junior officer at the scene with a phaser until I spoke to you. " She continued.

"Why wasn't I immediately notified? An alarm should have sounded in Security. ", Castle seemed disturbed. He raised the terminal screen that was set into the table before him and typed a few commands. He read quickly, then leaned back to Eve. "The alarms were not raised in Security. I have dispatched a team to relieve your officer. Her phaser will be confiscated for return to inventory. I have a phaser missing from stores and I want all weapons in place for another count. I'll investigate this personally after the meeting. I'll want your help, of course. "

"Of course. ", she smiled with mock suspicion. Eve tapped her badge. "Mallory to Blake. "

=/\=Blake here. =/\=

"There's a security team coming to relieve you, give them your phaser, and see what information you can discover on the break in. Use Lirzinji'kav if you have to. "

=/\=Acknowledged. =/\=

Epic brought the meeting to order again. The first to stand up was Hunt, the Ops chief. The business with the "officer first, person second," made her uneasy, without knowing quite

why. As he spoke, telling them the names of his special Ops team, she glanced in the direction that she'd felt the eyes on her.

A Deltan, wearing Counselor's colors was the only newcomer, and as Eve glanced at her, she smiled back. Eve had heard about them, had even studied the medical records of Lt. Ilia back in 2271, both before her change and after. Interesting species; apparently so in tune with themselves and their partner that humans couldn't hope to survive their sexual encounters. Eve wondered why for a moment. * If it is true, perhaps it's worth trying to find out, * she thought. * I'm not really human any more, myself! * She smiled back. She filed it away in a corner of her mind. Castle was finishing up his report, mentioning the break-in and the missing phaser. Now was as good a time as any..

She stood up.

"Lieutenant Eve Mallory, Science Chief. I'll deal with the attempted break-in in a moment. First of all, I know that Stellar Cartography and Astrophysics would

greatly appreciate copies of the Star Charts we'll be picking up from the S'slithi. If that could be arranged, it would be very useful to them. " She looked at Lt. Donucci in query.

"Now, apart from the attempted break-in to the restricted Science Lab, there is a missing Thoron Emitter. I checked it myself last night, but on a check taken half an hour ago, it was missing.

"The attempt on the Science Lab was made not five minutes ago. The alarm was only raised in my office, and not in Security which also monitors access to the Lab. It seems that the entry code used was my own, and the attempt to get past the retinal scanner only failed due to my own unique situation. I ordered the outer chamber filled with knockout gas, but the perpetrator still managed to escape.

"Apart from that, the Science Department is ready and operating. I will download a list of primary personnel to your PADD's. "

Eve sat down again.

<<OOC: Anyone have any queries? Speak now.. >>

USS Grail: Science Department Shift Rotation

Red Shift (0800-1600)

Lirzinji'kav (m) - Cygnan (Computer & Electronics specialist)

Ben Caldwell (m) - Terran * b *

Sven Borgdanovitch (m) - Terran

Prexis - (f) Vulcan/Romulan

Ana Van Lewen (f) - Terran

Blue Shift (1600-2400)

Karen Blake (f) - Terran (Archaeology & Anthropology)

Satinder Chandevikar (m) - Terran * b *

T'lor (f) - Vulcan

Choran Veji (f) - Bajoran

Kator Stewart (m) - Terran/Klingon

Yellow Shift (0000-0800)

Surek (m) - Vulcan * b *

J'Jerinskotar (m) - Efrosian

Tom Smith (m) - Terran

Valerie Gianinni (f) - Terran

Louisa Gianinni (f) - Terran

NRPG: Just a couple of additional players notes on the above crewmembers. T'lor and Surek are a married couple, and Valerie and Louisa are identical twins. * b * indicates the crewmember who will be manning the bridge science station unless the CSciO or ACSciO have cause to be there instead. This is on monthly rotation.


Lieutenant (jg) Eve Mallory

Chief Science Officer: USS Grail

http://www. geocities. com/Area51/Rampart/8529/index. html

argo@easynet. co. uk/ ICQ No: #4914684

"Great, she's a toaster oven. Can we go now?"

Alien Resurrection