Subject: USS Grail: Another 1st Post

[Aboard the USS Champagne]

Lt (jg) François DeMontigny sat in the ship’s lounge, an unlit cigar in his hand, staring through the large windows. The USS Grail looked sinister in the shadow of the nearby planet. It was like a warning to all that approached: this is a dangerous ship! Turn back now! He loved it! He didn’t care that he was ‘being disposed of’, he didn’t care that he wasn’t supposed to come back. In fact, the dangerous nature of the Grail’s assignment is the only reason he didn’t say anything when Commander K’Larek told him of his transfer. Another reason why he was anxious of serving on the Grail was because Zeb Cochran was the captain and Epic Terrakian was his first officer.

François knew Cochran by reputation. The man had guts. He might not be the best captain in Starfleet, but he was the kind of man that wasn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty. DeMontigny respected that. As for his first officer, François had met Terrakian during his service on the Nova. He had found the Betazoid to be somewhat of a kindred spirit and liked him a lot. Sitting here in the Champagne’s lounge, DeMontigny wondered if Epic had changed any, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by the ship’s computer:

"Lieutenant DeMontigny, please report to the transporter room."

"That’s my cue..."

Putting his cigar in his mouth and grabbing his bag, François exited the lounge and headed for the transporter room. On the way, he looked at the Champagne’s corridors and couldn’t help but thinking: ‘If it weren’t for me, this ship wouldn’t be here today, and they’re still kicking me off. Am I going to miss it?’ Entering the transporter room, he positioned himself in the pad and looked at the ensign behind the console. ‘No, I’m not’, he thought.


The room hardly changed, but the ensign behind the console did. She was a short blond, good-looking. She smiled as she saw DeMontigny materializing.

"Welcome to the Grail, sir." she said.

"Why thank you! I must say it is a pleasure being aboard." François answered after taking his cigar from his lips. That’s when the yellow alert alarm sounded.

"Well, looks like I have to go!" François exited the room and headed for the bridge. Once there, he asked an ensign to point out Lt Donucci and almost lost his cigar when he saw her standing next to him. "Yes?" she asked.

"I think I’m going to like this assignment..." François thought out loud.

"Pardon me?"

"I mean... Lieutenant François DeMontigny, reporting for duty, ma’am! I’m your new Assistant Chief." he said, taking the cigar from his mouth and putting down his bag. He then flashed her a winning smile.

<<Respond Donucci>>

OOC: Hello everybody! Looking forward to having fun with all of you!

Lt.(jg) François DeMontigny

Assistant Chief of Flight

USS Grail