Subject: USS Grail-‘Thank Q’-‘Arrivals’

François DeMontigny was finishing a system’s diagnostic with Lt. Donucci, when a very attractive young woman wearing a marine’s uniform suddenly appeared between the ops and Conn. stations. Her uniform was dirty, her hair was messed up and she was sweating abundantly. She looked sexy as all get out. Somebody called for a security team as the young woman stumbled forward, leaning on the ops station for support. François made a move to catch her, but Commander Terrakian was faster, catching her before she hit the ground. He hit his communicator badge. "Medical team to the bridge."

François moved behind the ops officer, who was just staring at the newcomer.

"Beautiful women appearing out of thin air... I am DEFINITELY going to like this assignment!" François mused, but a look from Terrakian told him this wasn’t the time.

That’s when DeMontigny noticed a light flashing on the ops console. The vulcan ops officer was to absorbed by the newcomer to notice it, but François did.

"Commandant, a wormhole is forming in the system... and an object is coming out of it!"

"Receiving a distress signal from it, sir." confirmed someone at the tactical station.

François pressed a couple of buttons on the ops console, paying no attention to the look the ops officer was giving him. "Sensors indicate a lifeform aboard, sir. Lifesigns are stable. It looks like some kind of escape pod."

François DeMontigny

Asst. Chief of Flight

USS Grail