Subject: USS Grail: ‘Thank Q’ ‘Talk about action’

OOC: Special thanks to Kait Brennan and Vivian Salib for sending me the posts I was missing. I owe you! :) BTW, since Alison Donucci hasn’t posted since I got here, and that I have no idea what her character is doing, I’ll assume François has the Helm.... hehe...

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 13:45>>


François looked back at the last hour. An hour ago, he was aboard the Champagne, getting ready to transfer to the Grail. He had hardly fully materialized on his new ship that the yellow alert sounded. Reporting for duty, he met his beautiful superior as well as his old acquaintance, Commander Epic Terrakian. Then a woman appeared from thin air right before the sensors picked up a wormhole forming and an escape pod 3000 light-years away. But that wasn’t it! That’s also when another strikingly beautiful woman appeared on the bridge (bridge duty is the best! François thought to himself), this one dressed as a Starfleet Admiral, and transported the Grail, the whole ship, to the pods location! If things continued at this pace, François was going to need shore leave soon...

He positioned the ship so Tactical could use the tractor beam like Epic had ordered. While the tractor beam was hauling the pod to a shuttlebay, François looked back at the bridge. The medical team was examining the sweat-covered beauty, while Epic was talking with the ‘Admiral’. Actually, he was talking, but she looked more like she was flirting. However, she occasionally gave DeMontigny a side glance with a strange look on her face. François couldn’t really tell what it was. She wasn’t ‘checking him out’, nor was she trying to flirt with him too, François knew those looks, and they were not it. She looked... intrigued.

DeMontigny returned to his console. The pod was in the shuttlebay and he began touching the controls, setting the Grail into a more stable position. He then looked up at the viewscreen. This was just the beginning. More was coming, François could feel it. A lot more.


Lt(jg) François DeMontigny

Asst. Chief of Flight Controls

USS Nova