Subject: Grail-"Thank Q" - "A turbolift ride"

<<Stardate: 47307. 16- 14:30>>


"Lt. DeMontigny. Report to the Battle Bridge. Lt. Stone. You will also report to the Battle Bridge. "

François was surprised by the order. Usually under red alert, the main bridge team transferred to the Battle Bridge, leaving the main Bridge to the Assistant Chiefs, not the other way around. But he didn't question the decision, secretly because he wanted to get a look at the Battle Bridge of his new ship, and grabbed his large bag of personal belongings before heading for the turbolift. He stepped in at the same time as Lt. Stone.

Stone was a large man, tall and strong, a typical tactical officer, François thought. His face had some obvious bajoran traits and was serious as he ordered the lift to deck 8. He kept glancing at François' bag.

"I just transferred on board when we went to yellow alert. I haven't had time to unpack. By the way," DeMontigny said with a smile and extending his hand, "my name is François DeMontigny, I'm the new Assistant Chief Helmsman. "

Stone took the outstretched hand. His grip was strong and short. Business-like.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Deric Stone, Assistant Chief Tactical Officer. " he added.

"Enchanté. "

Stone brought his hand back to his side and waited for the lift to stop. For DeMontigny, whose adrenaline was pumping from all the recent events on the bridge, the silence and the red alert lights were a little unnerving.

"Sooooooo... do you go to the Battle Bridge often?" he said smiling, trying to strike up a conversation.

"No. " answered Stone, obviously not interested in small talk at the moment.

"Ooooooookay... "

François was grateful when the turbolift doors opened and the two of them walked onto the Battle Bridge. Lt. (jg) Parker was already there, getting the different stations ready. DeMontigny smiled as he sat down at the conn. Parker's pointed ears told about his vulcan heritage and François loved Vulcans and their serious faces. They cracked him up.

Lt(jg) François DeMontigny

Asst. Chief of Flight Controls

USS Grail