Grail: Thank Q - The BabiesOOC: Sorry to change your bridge entry a bit, Major, but we had worked so hard on this... :-) BTW, I chose the title (The Babies) in response to Shannon's The Babysitter. Fits, I think...
<<Stardate: 47307. 16-15:15>>
<<Battle Bridge>>
Parker was at work getting the systems powered up to full readiness. It was at that moment that the two other officers walked in.
"Parfait! Since you have already started up all the stations, I guess we can start running some level 5 diagnostics and see if everything is in order. " said François as he started touching the proper panels.
"Thank you Lt. , but that has already been taken care of. As you should be aware of, the main computer automatically initiates diagnostics when the alert status goes up. If you both could please take your stations we can finish the last of the preparations.
The three men each worked at their stations for a while, not saying much.
"Well everything checks out at the helm. What about Ops?" DeMontigny inquired, looking over to Parker's panel.
"With all due respect Lt. my systems are always ready. I think you should concentrate on yours to make sure that they are ready. ".. Parker said a bit annoyed.
"I think you don't understand," answered DeMontigny with a smile, "as obvious commanding officer on this bridge, I was asking for a report. "
Parker's eyes grew wide and DeMontigny thought he saw Stone's jaw drop.
"Lt. before this turns into a fight for control, let me assure you that you are not in command at the moment. I would be the logical choice for command in this situation. "
At that moment, the intercom beeped, indicating that the Captain was about to address the crew. However, it wasn't the Captain's voice that was heard:
"Attention all personnel, this is Commander Terrakian. Captain Zebediah Cochran has been found dead in his quarters. The cause of death is apparently related to a disease he was suffering from. Until further notice from Starfleet, I will take over as Acting Captain. The Red Alert status will still be maintained for the moment. "
"Well it would seem that our esteemed Captain is dead. The highest ranking officer is in command in absence of orders indicating other wise. I am the most senior officer at the moment. I believe I asked you for a report. " Parker said.
"Look Parker, I know it's hard for you old guys to be taking orders from a newcomer but I am definitely more suited for the job. " DeMontigny answered in a softer tone.
"This is getting us no where. We are in the middle of a red alert situation and I have some jack ass pilot trying to be king of the hill. In fact, I could care less who is in command. But I will not let this ship or one of its components fall into the hands of an officer who is grossly underqualified. "
"And I guess you are more qualified than me? I have been in Starfleet for two years and I've already been awarded the Medal of Valor. " he said to Parker.
"Just between the two of us, I am not merely an OPS officer. My records with starfleet, if not classified, would tell you that much. Lets just say that I am qualified to command an entire Starship in the absence of the Captain or it's first officer. I have done so on many occasions in fact. And can you tell me how many times you, as a pilot, have commanded a ship? Know why don't you sit down and do what ever it is you little pilots do when the ship isn't going anywhere. "
"So you say. All I see is an old Lt(jg)and if you think I'm going to take orders from an pompous old junior grade lieutenant wash-up still living in the past, you've got another thing coming, pointy ears!" DeMontigny was through playing games.
"Well I'm certainly not taking orders from a little whelp that's still wet behind the ears. So what do we do now? Fight for it?" Parker said with a grin momentarily forgetting his training.
"No you will not, since you are both right. _I_ will be giving the orders. "
All three junior grade Lieutenants turned towards the voice. DeMontigny recognized the marine babe that had materialized on the bridge earlier today. She had just stepped out of the turbo lift and was headed for the captain's chair.
"And just who exactly are you, ma dame?" DeMontigny asked politely, as he took in her sight.
"That new "dame" as you put it PILOT is our new XO. What is it that they say about first impressions? Major, welcome aboard. Your orders have just been sent through. The bridge is all yours. " and with that, Parker turned around and took his seat.
"Hmmmmmm.... " Started Brinn, looking at the two, "That's right, I'm your new _acting_ Executive officer, Major Brinn. " She sat down.
DeMontigny looked her over. _She_ was going to be giving orders? She didn't look like much... and François never did like Marines. But he had always prided himself in given his superior officers a chance to prove themselves, so he turned back to his station.
"Report" Major Brinn asked loud, obviously addressing whoever was in charge. DeMontigny hadn't said his last word.
"All systems are online and the necessary diagnostics have been run, ma'am. " he said, shooting a smug glance at Parker.
"Indeed, we are ready to become operational at any time. " the Vulcan added.
Joint Post:
Lt(jg) François DeMontigny and John Parker
Asst. Chiefs of Flight Control and OPS
USS Grail