USS Grail: Lunch Break - 'Ten-Forward Calls''Ten-Forward Calls'
by Lieutenant Cara Hatcher
Chief Tactical Officer, USS-Grail
Cara rose quickly from her seat as the Captain announced the hour-long break dedicated to lunch. The thought of food reminded her she had forgotten to eat before she ran to the meeting.
It wasn't something new. With the size it had, her stomach didn't really have top priority in her life.
But hell, she was thirsty. Her destination's choice was not a hard decision to make ; Ten-Forward. Despite the thousand good resolutions she had taken (and not necessarily kept) in her life, the ship's bar was always the place she liked to visit first. Instinctively, she knew the way.
The turbolift was excessively croudy, and Cara, out of a claustrophobic burst, decided to wait for the second car. Turbolifts were made to be fast anyway, and she knew it would be there in a heartbeat.
The ride to Ten-Forward felt like a short one. Maybe it was, or maybe not. Cara had not really paid attention. Her thoughts were focused on her mother. On the last discussion they had had the night before. The soaked face of the only person, save for Eric, who had ever cared for her on the comm terminal... It was a crude way to say goodbye.
She was deep in the lost world of her past when she entered the bar. She vaguely noted the presence of a few familiar faces. Some she had seen at the meeting five minutes ago. Her colleagues. She would have to get to know them, eventually. This Poker thing should speed things up a bit.
Mallory was talking to... what? ALREADY?! She was pressing Castle's hand onto her arm. Well. He was quick. She didn't wait to see the outcome, and slid before the counter, asking the barely organized bartender (who had obviously just arrived on board) for the strongest drink he had. The man looked at her face, at her uniform, and then again, at her face. 'He's not used to see officers drink while on-duty, she thought. Moreover, I am a short lady... But he'll get use to seeing me around !' She nodded to confirm her order; he shrugged and headed for the shelves containing his treasures.
Cara rested her head in her hand, and closed her eyes. One hour before she went back to the meeting.
<<I believe there are a few of us in 10-F... Join Cara before she gets drunk ;) Logan, now that Eve's gone... ? Remember, we'll have to work together soon !>>