Grail : "Thank Q"-'Staff Meeting'-'Tactical Matters'THANK Q - 'Tactical matters'
By Lieutenant Cara Hatcher
Chief Tactical Officer, USS-Grail
As ordered, Cara sounded the Yellow Alert all over the ship. Once done, she initiated the series of scans that went with it. The computer chirped in response to the orders she punched in the console, and happily started its job. She had performed the same scans the day before, therefor she knew the results were very likely to be the same.
Yet, the tests had to be done.
The few minutes she had before being able to give out any report on the scans, Cara used them to meditate one more time on the Tac. crew repartition. Her padd displayed a few blanks in each of the shifts. She glanced thoughtfully at the list of names.
Tactical Department Duty Roster
**Alpha shift (0800 - 1600) **
Lt. Cara Hatcher, CTO *Terran female*
________________________________(Assistant CTO, waiting confirmation)
Ens. Stefani Vladinski *Terran female*
Ens. Dominic Black *Terran male*
Ens. Ashrien Tocq *Andorian female*
_________________ *???*
**Beta shift (1600 - 2400)**
Lt. Jg. Étienne Paradis *Martian male*
(Officer in charge for Beta shift)
Lt. Jg. Odalia Winters *Terran female*
Ens. Amia Keltreeo *Bajoran male*
Ens. Romeo Hernandez *Terran male*
Ens. Emily Brown *Terran female*
_________________ *???*
**Gamma shift (2400 - 0800)**
Lt. Jg. Hopi Brescalia *Betazoid male*
(Officer in charge for Gamma shift)
Ens. Esmeralda Andrews *Terran female*
Ens. Chi Yeki-Do *Terran female*
Ens. Belle Esser *Bolian/Terran female*
Ens. Chris Wilson *Terran male*
_________________ *???*
Cara grinned at the last name on the list. Wilson. The name evoked the bad memories of her biological parents. Cara had intentionally put him on the Gamma shift; she didn't want to get mad at a boy who did not deserve it, just because he wore the same name as the two
persons she hated the most in the whole universe.
Just below the duty roster, Cara kept the list of the officers waiting for a place to fit in the schedule. She hadn't decided yet where she would place them. The names were those of a trio of Vulcans… It was amazing, she thought, that as much as three Vulcans had landed specifically into HER department. It was almost as if it had all been prearranged, but somehow, Cara couldn't believe Starfleet could be THAT evil.
Cara secretly hated Vulcans. They reminded her of the man she had 'murdered' two years ago, the crime that had cost her two years of freedom and put her into so much trouble. She had spent those two years at the penal colony, trying to forget. But, when in the presence of the pointed ears and permanently raised eyebrows of those insipid, emotionless creatures… it was all coming back.
The hate she had felt.
The conflict that had emerged.
The act that had followed.
The resulting consequences.
And even… the regret she had felt afterwards. The memories and the feelings that came with it were very hard to endure. She feared her reaction if one of the Vulcans was to end up working the same shift as her. But could she put two Vulcans on the same shift, without rising suspicions?
There was also a fourth name on the Tactical Department Duty Roster. It was the last, because it was the newest, but nonetheless one of the most important. The confirmation of the newcomer's position had just been downloaded by the Captain to Cara's padd. It was her new assistant, a man called Deric Stone. She had received a short bio for him as well, which she scanned rapidly to get a first opinion of the guy she'd be working with. They shared the same passion for martial arts. That promised to be interesting. However, she wasn't sure she could count on a fighting partnership between the two of them. There was a slight problem… of height.
Cara blinked back from her paperwork to the reality of the ship, and threw a glance at the console. The scans were almost complete. Everything on the outer hull of the ship appeared normal so far. Weapons and shields were perfectly functional. While the computer finished scanning, Cara added the name of her new assistant to the Alpha shift personnel, just below her own name.
The joyful chirp of the computer announced that it was done with the scans. Nothing had changed; everything appeared normal. The saboteur, IF there really was a saboteur, hadn't touched anything but that plasma coolant tank. Which, anyway, was far enough to ruin a ship and make it sink at its first voyage. <<Like the Iceberg for the Titanic ; )>>
"Commander", she started to report. She saw Epic turn his head in her direction, waiting. "Scans indicate no anomaly on the hull of the Grail. Weapons and shields are 100% operational. From a Tactical point of view (Cara knew fairly well that from a 'Security' point of view, things were way different), the ship is in great shape."
<<Anything to say Commander?>>
Cara hailed a young ensign in gold whom she recognized as Stefani Vladinski. She had reported to the bridge as soon as the Yellow Alert had been active, like a well trained cadet. Vladinski was fresh out of the Academy, so it was normal she still had the manners. The young Romanian walked swiftly to Cara and looked at her with tall green eyes.
'Yes Sir?' she queried.
"Man the Tactical console for a while, would you. I would like to meet my assistant right now."
'Aye, Sir!'
The girl seemed proud to be in charged of the 'Big Console'. Watching her from the corner of her eyes, Cara wondered what had brought her to the Grail. She looked so innocent and fresh and young… But, as Lt. Castle had told her earlier, everyone onboard had their own juicy secret… She shrugged and headed for her office, tapping her commbadge as she walked.
=/\= Lt. Cara Hatcher to Lt. Jg. Deric Stone. =/\=
A distant voice replied. [Stone here.]
=/\=Mr. Stone, this is your Chief speaking. Please report to my office in five minutes. I'd like to know who I'll be working with and… I need your help already on an urgent matter. =/\=
[Understood. On my way. <<Unless you have any objection, Mr. Stone>>]
Cara waited in her office for her Assistant to show up.