Subject: Grail: The Probe

"The Probe"

<<Sorry I've been out of it for a few days. I've been in the middle of an address switch and I'm trying to compile everything into certain addresses for easier handling. I'm not exactly sure of the time stamp and all that stuff as to where this log fits in, but I'm sure you can figure it out by my relating to other occurrences. If Loki Wolf <RuraPenthe@aol. com> would please mail me here about the shuttle bays and reporting in and all that (actually, pretend you already did), I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Now, back to your regularly scheduled log. >>

Kaje watched as the strange craft was pulled into her shuttle bay. She wasn't too keen on the idea of having this thing in here with a bunch of running shuttles. Who knew what kind of emanations this thing was giving off that could interfere with delicate instrumentation. She fought the urge to have it beamed back out as Epic and several others entered the room.

The Vulcan followed the directions on the side of the pod and together, the two lifted the lid. Someone woke from inside and started asking what happened. When the person emerged from the pod, Arda was taken back by the size of his ears. From the back, he looked like some sort of evolved Terran rabbit. When he turned, he looked like a human, but with overly developed Vulcan ears. She sighed.

A young blonde, too young for the uniform of an admiral, came up beside him and attempted to console the obviously distressed young man. At this point, another Security officer entered and whispered something to Epic, to which the young man reacted. Epic reacted as well.

Something told Arda, through her and Epic's link with Kaede, that now was her time to move. She approached.

"Sir?" she asked, not quite sure how to address him, yet. He looked up at her. She had addressed him formally due to present company.

Had they been alone, that would have been a different matter. Epic saw that she knew. Kaede knew as well.