Subject: Grail: Thank Q - Marines Report!

Jeb stepped out of the cryo-chamber as the white fog billowed out around him and disappeared into nothingness. As he blinked to try and clear his sight, he saw a very young woman standing in front of him, dressed in Marine green. He didn't like reporting to the first officer wearing a skinsuit, but then again, he really didn't have any time to change into his proper uniform. Upon another, more careful glance, he saw the insignia of Lieutenant Major on her collar. Jeb Kirby couldn't believe that this young woman was an officer of that rank, but that thought passed from his head as quickly as it arrived.

As Jeb stepped out completely, he found himself looking straight ahead and at the nose of his commanding officer.

Kirby snapped to attention and delivered a crisp salute.

"Chief Warrant Officer, second class, Jebediah Kirby reporting for duty!" he said. He maintained his salute and attention, then waited for the response.

NRPG: At last! I was getting cold.

CWO2 "Jeb" Kirby, SMC