Subject: USS Grail-‘Thank Q’-‘Still Adrift’
<<Somewhere in space>>
Kyp’s pod floated effortlessly through the cold, harsh, empty vacuum of space. Sparks flew from the Starboard side of the pod where the Transwarp Field Generator had been, before it completely lost all structural integrity and exploded at the high stress factor accompanied by the wormhole.
The distress beacon repeated the same message over and over again. "Help. Life form occupant in need of emergency assistance. Please respond." The small on-board computer core, had the proper instructions of how to deactivate the stasis field. Also the navigational sensors recorded everything from take off, and fed that into the computer core, as sort of a record of the occupants journey. Just in case the occupant was thrown off course, he would at least know where he had made the wrong turn.
Kyp slept inside the stasis field, unaware of all the automated activity surrounding him. He was also, unaware that he was about 30,000 light-years off course. Of course while within the soft glowing blue light of the stasis field nothing really matter. It was just one nice long nap, to any occupant.
Sam Esposito
AKA Kyp Firespray
Soon-to-be Observer/Guide, USS-Grail