USS Grail-‘The Res-Q’<<Alpha Sindri system>>
Alterians held a strong belief that the Q Continuum was their "Almighty Power". They were saved once from a mistake the Continuum made. The Q accidentally transported a being from another galaxy to Gamma Alteries. His biochemistry didn’t mix well, with that of atmosphere, and as a result a terrible plague spread across the planet. The Q appeared and saved the planet from destruction, of course they never told the Alterians that they caused the accident themselves. Since then the Alterians have come to call the Continuum their ‘gods’ and ‘saviors’. The pod floated alone in space. The busy machines hard at work, doing their programmed tasks, to make sure the occupant stayed alive, long enough to be rescued. In a brilliant white flash a huge spaceship appeared directly next to the pod. The ship was of unknown design to the computer core, but never-the-less the occupant needed to be restored as soon as possible. The ship engaged a tractor beam around the pod and began to pull it into one of its many shuttlebays.
The soft blue light that surrounded the pod pulled ever so slowly, at first. Then it quickened its pace. Before long the pod was within the atmosphere of the ship. Kyp still slept, because the pod needed to be externally shut-down.
Well, at least he wasn’t alone anymore...
Sam Esposito
Kyp Firespray