Subject: USS Grail-"Thank Q"-‘The Awakening Part 2’

<<Shuttlebay 4>>

The stasis pod rested on the floor of shuttlebay 4. The distress transmission had ceased, at least for the moment. On the side of the pod written in all known (at least known to Alterians) languages, were the instructions to deactivate the stasis pod and release the occupant. The instructions read as follow:

1. Atmosphere must be Oxygen based. Please feed a sample to the atmosphere tester to make sure it is safe for occupant. If atmospheres are a match then procede:

2. Power down all systems

3. Turn the manual stasis field release lever from rest position 90 degrees clockwise.

4. Open external vents.

5. Vent all Oxygenite Atmosphere and replace with current atmosphere.

6. Demagnatise hatch seal, by pressing the blue button next to the red power button.

7. Open hatch.

With a hiss the door to the Shuttlebay opened and in stepped Epic Terrakian, a vulcan female science officer named Prexis, and four security officers. The leader of the securiyt officers was a Bajoran female. The Bajoran made a few hand signals and the other security officers fell into position around the pod, all with phasors drawn on the pod. Epic and Prexis walked over to the pod.

"Sir, there appear to be instructions on the side of the pod. They appear to be directions on deactivating the pod. Also, this is very curious, but one of the languages happens to be English." said Prexis. "Can you open the pod?" asked Epic.

"Yes sir, I can, but what if the passenger is hostile?"

"That’s why security is here."

Prexis read over the directions and began. First she flipped up a little cover labeled Atmosphere Tester. Within a few seconds a green light appeared next to it.

"Sir, I believe our atmospheres are a match."

Next she saw a red button labeled ‘power’. She pushed it. The pod made a few clicks and then powered down. The only thing still glowing was the stasis field within.

She found a lever and assuming it was the one she was suppose to turn, she did, just as she was told by the directions. 90 degrees clockwise from resting position. The blue light faded as she turned the lever. She then opened the external vents and a blue smoke fell out onto the floor.

Epic said "What the hell is this. Is it dangerous?" Prexis took out her tricorder and scanned the smoke. "No sir, this is merely concentrated oxygen. It must be what keeps the passenger alive. It poses us no threat." she replied.

There was only one more step to go, but Epic couldn’t help looking into the window. For the first time the occupant was clearly visable, and not distorted by the blue glowing stasis field. Inside was what looked to be a young human male, only with incredibly long ears. Epic not even turning to Prexis said, "Finish the instructions." Prexis began to walk around the pod flipping up latches that not more than fifteen minutes ago were magnetically sealed. She had successfully opened all ten of the latches. She and Epic put their hands on the lid and began to lift. Security not taking any chances, leveled their weapons on the pod.

The hatch opened and Epic and Prexis stepped back for a moment. The occupant stirred a little and then opened his eyes. He sat up with a shock. Security was ready to shoot, but Epic ordered them to lower their weapons. Kyp looked around, and saw all these strange people. They looked like him, but they didn’t have long ears. Kyp not knowing what do did the only thing he could think of, "Where am I? Who are? What’s going on?" Epic walked towards him, "Easy, you’re going to be okay. You’ve apparently traveled through a wormhole, from some other part of the galaxy. Why don’t you tell me who you are and where you’re from?" Kyp looked a bit suspicious but responded, "My name is Kyp Firespray. I’m from the planet Gamma Alteries, in the Ottega System." Stopping to think for a moment. "Wait, I know." He jumped out of the pod and started to work over it a bit. "The onboard computer records everything from take off." Kyp read the little screen and his face turned pale. He looked back at Epic and said, "I’m not from around here. I’m from the other side of the galaxy. My father was the Prime Minister of Gamma Alteries. We were attacked by the Borg. He ordered a planetary evacuation. Apparently from this readings, my pod fell through a wormhole and ended up here." Kyp fell to his knees. The shock of all this was just to much for him.

Sam Esposito

Kyp Firespray - Independent Advisor