Subject: Grail : Thank Q -"Lunch Break"-'Liquid Lunch'

`Liquid Lunch'

by Lt. Cara Hatcher, Chief Tactical Officer

Lt. Logan Castle, Chief Security Officer

<<Ten-Forward Lounge- 47307.16- 11:25>>

Castle watched Eve Mallory walk away. There was a very agreeable bounce to her step that stole away some of the regret he had been feeling moments before. His mood immediately brightened. `Dinner', he smiled to himself. `Your ship ain't sunk yet Marine.'

As he walked to the replicator dispenser, he noticed the diminutive Cara Hatcher enjoying a drink. Alone. This would not do. Not with a half hour left before the meeting resumed.

Castle walked up behind her as she drank her drink. It must have had something of a kick, because she grimaced at the bite. He smiled as he stepped up beside her, motioning to the bartender.

"What she's having." The bartender raised an eyebrow, looking at their ranks.

Cara looked up at him. "That isn't exactly fruit punch he's pouring, lieutenant.", she grinned.

Castle shrugged. "It isn't like I have to drive. If Alison Donucci were to join us, I'd have to restrain her. And, I don't think the security of the ship will be compromised by one drink. Besides...", he looked around before finishing. "I am about two hours late for my first drink already. I thought I was going to dry out."

Castle raised his drink to her and drank. He swallowed with some difficulty and applauded her constitution with a breathless raising of the glass again in a salute. She laughed at the tears in his eyes.

"So...", he spoke suddenly, a look of exaggerated seriousness on his face. "What was that little `look' I saw you and Lt. Mallory sharing before the staff meeting?" Cara's blue eyes widened. "Don't be surprised. I'm the `top cop' on this barge. I notice everything."

Cara choked a bit at the unexpected question. "You are a very direct person, aren't you?", she said, blushing slightly at the idea of having to explain `the look'. Flirting was not a matter she was very familiar, nor comfortable, with. But, if she had noticed something in

Castles attitude, it meant it was showing. A lot.

Cara's eyes fell to the counter, her glance stumbling across the row of three empty glasses neighboring the one she had just finished. She wondered if the `top cop' had noticed them, as well. Every time, she was amazed at how fast the drinks could flow in, without her even being half aware of it. She shrugged inwardly and lifted her eyes back up to the security chief. She realized the focus had grown harder to make.

"What look?" She tried to look innocent, but Castles dubious grin and shake of his head informed her that she had failed. She allowed herself a smile. `Time for Plan-B.'

"So, lieutenant. How are things going with Eve Mallory?" The teasing query, while being totally relevant, subtly eluded Logan's question.

Castle let his head drop as he smiled. Cara had switched tactics on him, going from coy innocence, to a barbed distraction. He respected her wiliness. Was there the hint of `cattyness' to the question? He couldn't tell. It was probably just wishful thinking.

Castle turned his back to the bar and leaned back on his elbows. The posture brought him eye level with the smaller woman.

"`How are things `going'?'", he gave her a shrewd sideways look. "It almost sounds like you're implying that I have an agenda."

"I didn't say you did.", Cara mirrored his shrewd expression.

"Well, ...", he nudged her elbow with his own. "I didn't say I didn't, either." Her eyes widened as she smiled and he laughed good-naturedly as he turned back toward the bar.

"Actually....", he said, a touch more seriousness in his voice. "..she is quite an intriguing woman. Quite literally, there is no one else like her. But then, I think we are going to find a lot of pretty unique individuals on this ship. And each with a particularly juicy secret."

Cara looked at his profile as he finished his drink. "And what is your juicy secret, lieutenant?"

Castle looked down at her with some surprise. He was the type to ask such a question, but didn't expect it to come from her. He wondered what other mannerisms they had in common.

He looked around in an exaggerated conspiracy, then leaned close to her ear. He intentionally exhaled a tickling gust of warm air on her neck as he whispered, "I can't tell you. It's a secret."

And as Cara leaned away and looked at him with a flustered expression, violence erupted nearby between a Terran and a Cardassian.

And as she looked at him, Cara saw Castles eyes change from a spiteful tease to a dead cold in a heartbeat.

Logan Castle turned away. It was time to go to work.