Subject: Grail: "Thank Q"-'Charon'


by Lt. Logan Castle

Chief Security Officer

As quickly as the disturbance started, it was subdued. Castle had responded to the shouted accusation, `You murdering' Cardie bastard!' He arrived on the scene to see a Cardassian engineer administering a potentially lethal, if not exactly precise, blow to the nose of an ensign from Environmental Maintenance. The EM man was reeling from the blow, loosing consciousness even as Ensign Lo Pan attempted to restrain him.

"Get him out of here.", the Cardassian officer ordered in a condescending tone.

Reacting quickly, Ensign Lo Pan ordered an emergency transport of the injured man to Sickbay.

Castle made a mental note to keep his eye on Lo Pan. She was a security officer on the Alpha, or Red, shift. She was currently on duty and had responded promptly. And her personal initiative was exceptional. She controlled the situation and responded appropriately. He just had one question for her when he saw her next.

What was she doing at the bar in the middle of her shift?

Castle turned the Cardassian to face him and said simply, "Follow me."

Castle turned and left the lounge, confident the Cardassian would follow as ordered. He did.

Castle said nothing as they waited for the turbolift. When it came, he indicated the Cardassian enter. He did, and Castle followed.

"Bridge.", Castle ordered, but immediately commanded, "Halt." Then, he turned to the Cardassian.

"Were you trying to kill that man?"

The Cardassian was stunned by the suddenness of the question and the implication. It was a moment before he answered. "Of....of course not."

Castle had a cum-se cum-sa feeling about the Cardassians veracity. Logan could grill a Terran and know all his secrets inside a quarter hour. But, Cardassians were tougher. They were born liars.

"Well, you were about a half inch away from success. I realize you were responding in self-defense. I want to know why, Ensign...."

"Charon.", the Cardassian said with quiet dignity.

"Charon.", Castle acknowledged. "Why did that EM attack you?"

Charon looked at him with some doubt. "You mean you don't already know about me? I have quite a blemish on my record."

Castle smiled ruefully. "That doesn't even start to narrow things down on this ship, Ensign. Why don't you tell me what happened."

Charon took a deep breath and turned away slightly. He let go of his breath and started to speak.

"I served aboard the Antidem for one year as an engineer. I was among the first Cardassians to graduate Starfleet Academy. And, because of my academic success, I was assigned to the Antidem. It was an old Constitution class. Falling apart. But a great ship for a new engineer to cut his teeth on.

"It was aboard the Antidem that a terrible accident occurred in Engineering. One of the plasma coolant tanks had ruptured. I was there. I saw it happen. And because I was there, I was able to shout a warning and enable environmental shields to contain the plasma. As you know, organics that contact plasma are instantly consumed." Charon explained. Castle grimaced and nodded. He knew what the hell plasma was. Was this Cardassian making fun of him?

"Unfortunately, as I engaged the environmental shields and vacated the warp core compartment, I heard the cry of alarm from a woman within. I thought I was alone in the compartment. I was supposed to be alone in the compartment..." Charon stopped and looked at Castle directly, as if to support his point.

"But, if I had raised the shields to allow her to escape, all of Engineering would have been flooded with plasma and twelve would have died instead of one. Her name was Sheila Bryant and she was the wife of Jerome Bryant.", Charon had seemingly come to the point, but Castle still missed something.

"Jerome Bryant is the man who attacked me in 10-Forward.", Charon explained. Castle nodded, satisfied.

Charon continued. "Bryant blamed me for her death and even went so far as to order an investigation. He submitted that I was a Cardassian spy who intentionally sabotaged the warp reactor. I was exonerated, of course. But, Bryant continued to make my life difficult. I was forced to have a Restraining Order raised against him."

Charon looked once again at Castle. "And that restraining order is still active. That man is not supposed to come within fifty feet of me. How could they assign us to the same ship?"

Castle turned away to stand beside Charon, instead of before him.

"Starfleet has been known to screw up like this.", Castle finally answered. "Computer: resume." And the turbolift rose.

The turbolift opened onto the Bridge. Castle stepped off and proceeded directly to the Captains Office. Charon followed, but took the time to admire the Bridge.

"Wait here.", Castle ordered as he entered the Captains Office. Charon stood and silently watched the planet Earth turn slowly before him. It was a rich planet, he noticed.

A few minutes later, Castle re-emerged. "This is how we are going to handle this.", Castle said. "I have been given complete discretion in this matter. So, I have decided that Bryant will be relieved of duty and you will return to duty."

Charon's eyes went wide. "You're going to reject his assignment here?"

"That's right. He assaulted you. He violated his restraining order by not informing Security immediately of the situation. But, because your reaction caused him bodily harm, I have decided to commute his Assault to an Intent to Harm. He will be reassigned." Castle finished with a nod.

Charon shook his head and smiled sadly. "So what you are saying is: Because Bryant assaulted me, he will be reassigned to another task while I will still be sent to my death in the Delta Quadrant?"

Castle smiled a devilish little smile. "Sounds kinda unfair when you say it like that, don't it? Well, see you around, Ensign Charon. Yes, I will."

Then, Castle left him to join a very short Terran woman. Charon stood silently for a moment. With a shake of his head, he moved to the turbolift. He stopped it from closing just before it would have left him. As he stepped on, he saw a Terran woman. She was a lieutenant and was wearing the gold uniform as well.

"Main Engineering.", Charon said. The woman looked at him, but remained silent. Then, she looked away. A tense silence followed.

Charon then turned to the woman. "Starfleet has been known to screw up like this."

"What?", she said in bewilderment.

"Nevermind.", Charon said as he lowered his head. Why would he even bother telling her, anyway? Most Terrans hated Cardassians.

When the turbolift opened onto Main Engineering, the woman got off first.