Subject: Grail: "Thank Q"-`Staff Meeting- Security Report'

`Security Report'

by Lt. Logan Castle

Chief Security Officer

<<Stardate- 47307.16- 11:57>>


Logan Castle left the Cardassian Engineer and approached Cara Hatcher. Despite her synthehol consumption and small size, she was fresh and straight as an arrow. She smiled professionally, then looked at the Cardassian as he exited the Bridge.

As soon as the turbolift doors closed, Castle thumped his communicator. "Castle to Ensigns Lo Pan and Dimitri."

=^=Yes, lieutenant. =^= =^=Go ahead, Chief. =^=

"I want a complete interview with Jerome Bryant submitted to me in a report in one hour. Included in that report, I want Bryant's bio and his Record of Service aboard the USS Antidem. I also want the bio and Antidem Record of Service for Ensign Charon: Engineering. Understood?", he knew he was.

=^= Acknowledged. =^= =^=Aye, sir. =^=

Castle stopped the communication and followed Cara Hatcher into the Ready Room. He saw Eve Mallory studying a padd. A woman in Counselors blue sat at the Captains Chair Left. She was Deltan, obviously noted, because of her bald head and dark eyes. Castle had heard about Deltan's. A hundred little fantasies ran through his mind at once.

Suddenly, the Counselor looked right at him. His first instinct was to turn away. But, instead, he held her gaze until she looked away from him to look at Eve Mallory. Castle sat beside Eve.

"Miss me?", he leaned toward her and whispered.

"Terribly.", Eve replied dryly, but with a sparkle of humor. Then, she became serious. "There was an attempt to access SL14 during our break. I went to investigate and found nothing. I left my.... I left a junior officer at the scene with a phaser until I spoke to you."

"Why wasn't I immediately notified? An alarm should have sounded in Security.", Castle seemed disturbed. He raised the terminal screen that was set into the table before him and typed a few commands. He read quickly, then leaned back to Eve.

"The alarms were not raised in Security. I have dispatched a team to relieve your officer. Her phaser will be confiscated for return to inventory. I have a phaser missing from stores and I want all weapons in place for another count. I'll investigate this personally after the meeting. I'll want your help, of course."

"Of course.", she smiled with mock suspicion.

Castle smiled in return, then fell silent as the Commander brought the meeting to order.

After Epic Terrakians commencement, Lt. Comm. Corvette Hunt spoke. Hunt made the point that he was an Officer first, human being second, right off the bat. There was a sensing of discomfort Castle felt from the other officers, but Hunt seemed not to notice. Or, seemed not to care.

Then, Hunt used the holo-projector to introduce his OPS staff.

`They should call it `Black Ops' while this guy is running the show.' Castle quickly reviewed the bios of Hunts team and grimaced. `He's surrounding himself with `black bag' operatives. I wonder where their loyalties lie. I will take the time to find out.'

When Castle was certain that Hunt was finished, he stood and nodded at those around the table.

"Lt. Logan Castle. Chief of Security.", he started for the benefit of those with whom he was not yet acquainted. "My Security teams are listed in a file that will amend this report. Please review it as soon as possible.

"Also, and I will require the assistance of the Operations Department on this next item...", he looked to Hunt and Parker. "There is a phaser missing from general stores. I will need another accounting before we shove off. Now, because my own physical count shows a shortage, even though all were recorded as received, we may need to use internal sensor scans to locate the missing unit.

"Finally, and perhaps Lt. Mallory could elaborate on the details, but an attempt to access a restricted Science Module was made less than a half hour ago. My investigation will proceed promptly after this meeting is adjourned.

"Thank you."

Castle sat and downloaded his shift rotations for Security into the computer for distribution to Operations, as well as the padds of all senior officers. Then, he waited for the next report.


Security Department Shift Rotation


Alpha [Red] 0800-1600

En. Kwan Lo Pan- f/ Terran

En. Piotr Dimitri- m/ Terran

En. Thorin Azure- m/ Andorian [blue-skinned w/ antennae]

En. Salazar Camponella- m/ Terran

En. Vohck T'Arna- f/ Klingon

En. Zor Makot- m/ Martian [essentially human]

Beta [Yellow] 1600-2400

Lt.(jg) Jhari Ryes- f/ Bajoran [Assistant Chief]

En. Torill Norden- m/ Bolian [blue-skinned w/ line dividing face and body

into two halves]

En. Ch'Tk T'Krrrk- f/ Jaradan [insect-like humanoid]

En. Lorus- m/ Kerelian [humanoid w/ exceptional hearing]

En. Cariss Thorn- m/ Terran

En. Candy North- f/ Terran

Gamma [Blue] 0000-0800

Lt.(jg) Terrence Mulholland- m/ Terran

En. Durak Nor- m/ Klingon

En. Calandra- f/ Andorian

En. Stacy Lane- f/ Terran

En. Gunther Volksfrei- m/ Terran

En. Garek- m/ Vulcan

<Is that good?>