Subject: Grail: "Thank Q"-‘Staff Meeting: Security Response’

‘Security Response’

by Lt. Logan Castle

Chief Security Officer

(with a few additions by Commander Epic Terrakian)

<Ready Room- Staff Meeting>

Logan Castle listened to John Parker’s remarks about the ‘old Maquis tricks’ and the first thing that popped into his mind was: ‘The only way this guy can be speaking from experience is to be speaking from experience.’

Not that Logan Castle disagreed with the politics of the Maquis. In fact, spiritually, he supported them. However, in any practical sense, he had no opinion of them.

Castle let the thoughts go. The beef of what

Parker said implied a possible stowaway.

Castle then listened with the others to Eve Mallory’s report. Castle was only half-listening. She had already relayed to him the significant facts. Castle combined them with what he knew so far. A bizarre pattern of thoron emissions but no thoron leak in any systems. A failed break-in at the location of their tightest secret. A phaser missing from inventory.

Castle suddenly became aware of the Engineers talking. He listened very carefully and didn’t say a thing.

‘A fractured coolant tank.’, Castle thought with a grimace. ‘Charon.’, his mind immediately concluded. But, then, countered, ‘That’s not quite fair. Bryant was on the Antidem also. This bears intense investigation.’

"I ask, in reflection of the altercation which took place earlier.....", Castle suddenly realized he had drifted into his own thoughts when he realized what Kait Brennan was saying. "...that none of my so.