Subject: Grail: Thank Q- Staff Meeting- Anatomically Incorrect

<Stardate- 47307.16- 12:54[roughly]- Ready Room>

"Is that permissible, Epic?", Janice Hargen smiled. Logan Castles eyes had taken on a steady look of professional cool during the Engineering Chiefs remonstration, but his eyes widened in disbelief even as a grudging smile fought with him to show itself. The smile gained a little ground, but he squashed it. In response to his going over her head, Janice Hargen decided to go over his head in response. Not only that, she reinforced her effort with the advantage of her feminine wiles. The soft voice. The submissive smile. Castle waited for the top of her uniform to suddenly become undone.

But, he said nothing. He simply looked to the Commander, who was looking at him. Castle was sure to keep his expression neutral, though he shrugged carelessly. He didn’t care if the Engineering Chief wanted to be in on the interrogation. In fact, it might be a good idea. Either Charon or Bryant might be able to hoodwink him with technical jargon. But not if another Engineer were present..

Castle gave Janice Hargen a shrewd look, which she did not flinch away from. In the Marines, his DI had once remarked to a BAM in boot camp that she was not anatomically correct. When she had inquired what he meant, his DI answered.

‘For a woman, you have got quite a pair of huevos.’ The entire platoon exploded with laughter. The penalty for the uproar was a ten mile run from which the young woman was excluded. Castle said nothing as they stared one another down. He simply waited for the Commanders next words.


DI= Drill Instructor

BAM= Broad Ass Marine- a sexist remark, indicating a female soldier.

huevos= balls

I hope no one is offended by my use of these terms, if so, send me a note. I will apologize expediently. I am just trying to give this guy a personality. If he is a little abrasive, I am on the right track.)

Lt. Logan Castle

Chief Security Officer, USS Grail

"Do you mind if I smoke?"

"I don’t care if you burn."

-Art Carney/ Jackie Gleason, the Honeymooners