Subject: Grail: `Marines Never Die!' [they just go to Grail and regroup]

<Stardate: 47307.16-16:00>
<Cryo-Stasis Lab- Deck 36>

 Logan Castle followed behind Lt.Maj. Brinn and watched her `shop' for Marines. She didn't seem to have a strategy or plan, she simply chose them on a whim.

 The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Miranda St. Claire, was a petite woman, but her... proportions.. seemed.. exxagerated... in the close fitting Starfleet uniform. As Castle attention oscillated between the charms of Brinn and St. Claire, he took no note of the cryo-chambers the Major was indicating. But, that was OK, Ens. T'Arna and Salazar were.

 Dr. St. Claires blond hair was done in a loose sweep behind her, but a few stray wisps, that she refused to confine, hung in her eyes. With systematic and practiced ease, she began to deactivate the first of the stasis chambers. 

 "It will take about 15 minutes for the machine to restore the bodily functions of the occupant to normal.", she said to no one and all of them. She had deactivated all of them before the first had even begun to open.

 Castle wanted to make a little small talk with Thayla Brinn, but in the presence of the doctor and two of his subordinates, he remained silent.

 The first of the cryo-chambers opened. A man stepped out.

 `Son of a ....!', Castle choked in his mind. How many old Marine ghosts were going to visit him on this tour. He felt like Ebeneezer Scrooge. He couldn't guess who the ghost of Marine Future would be, but Thayla represented the ghost of Marine Present. And, son of a gun, the ghost of Marine Past stood naked and slightly shivering in front of him.

 "Chief Warrant Officer, second class, Jebediah Kirby, reporting for duty!", the shivering Marine barked.

 Castle stepped up to him and threw his old drill instructor a smart salute. "Sir, after you have been briefed and de-briefed, we have got to have a drink."

 Jeb Kirby looked at the younger man and repressed a smile.

Lt. Logan Castle
Chief Security Officer, USS Grail

"Pinky. Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

"Uh, I think so, Brain. But, if Eve Mallory was perfectly replicated right down to the molecular level, then what makes her different than a normal person? NARF!"


Pinky and the Brain-(not a direct quote)