Subject: My first story

Here is the final product. If its good for you its good for me. Thank you for helping.

((Captains Ready Room))

Lorelei sat in the still quiet of the empty conference room. An Admiral with blond hair and a nice smile stood by the large windows, but Lorelei simply had no desire to speak to her.

She wasn't accustomed to the dull and sexually ambiguous uniform she was wearing. During her time on Deep Space Five, she had been allowed to express herself without interference. Not so, here. The Captain was a `by the book' officer. So she wore the unflattering garment and pouted. Although, she had to admit to herself...

If anyone made this outfit work, it was her. She laughed a small laugh. The Admiral smiled wider at her but said nothing.

Lorelei turned her head to see the Executive Officer enter the room. He was taller than she was, but not by much. His eyes were a scary blue. His smile was warm. He would have been the perfect monster in one of the horror stories she was so fond of. He looked like the Boy Next Door. But the Boy Next Door had fresh graves in his basement. She already started working on a holo-horror-novel in her head. And this man was going to be the monster.

Lorelei smiled as she stood. "Commander Terrakian." She shook his hand, but when they touched, she was stung by a shock. It didn't hurt, but it ... it shocked her. They both laughed.

"And you must be Lt. Lorelei.", he said as they sat.

"Yes. My shuttle only just arrived. My transfer orders from DS5 were improperly communicated so I was unable to get permission to board the Grail."

Epic spoke as he leaned back and crossed his legs. "We have had very few volunteers for this mission. I wonder what your particular interest is."

Lorelei smiled. Wasn't the answer obvious? "To boldly go where no one has gone before."

Epic smiled and looked up at the doors to the room. The other Senior Officers were returning. Lorelei tried to make eye contact with them all, but found it strange that few would make contact with her. One man made deliberate eye contact and Lorelei got some very distinct and suggestive images from his mind.

Lorelei did not use her telepathic talents unless it was in a professional capacity. But, sometimes, strong thoughts and feelings were hard to ignore. And the thoughts and feelings of the Chief of Security were hard to ignore.

`Too bad Terrans are so sexually primitive. That one has potential.' But the security officer was no longer paying her any attention. He was whispering to a science officer. A pretty redhead with bright eyes. Lorelei smiled at her.

But Lorelei had to turn toward the door as a tall pale man entered. She felt a strange combination of feelings that were too indistinct to separate. And the weird part was that the tall man was trying to contain himself. He sure had passion in spite of the cold that seemed to surround him.

Lorelei watched him as the Commander started the meeting. She listened while Corvette Hunt spoke.

((I hope that is what you are hoping for. I didn't want to say too much about too many other people because I haven't really seen them. If I am off base on anyones character I am sorry. I will fix it if you want. Bye. Rach))