Subject: Grail: Thank Q - Rise Up

Stardate: 47307. 1700

Cargo Bay

Thomas slowly opened his eyes and stood up, Thomas looked down into his pod "Come on Snowball wake up. " A cat inside the pod stood up and rubbed up against Thomas's leg. " I'll feed you later I have things I must attend to first. "

Thomas looked around the room he noticed a female standing with a padd he slowly walked toward her. He also noticed a male marine standing near here the Marine stood at attention shouted his name and rank but Thomas was still half sleep so he didn't hear a word he said. He noticed her Rank Insignia, Thomas looked at here for a second " First Lieutenant Marritza reporting for duty" Tom yawned in a low voice.

" Forge me for not standing attention but my head is killing me if you like give me a hour and I will be able to do some back flips, but for now you must forgive me. " Tom didn't want to talk to loud because he had a hang-over even though Tom didn't drink every time he woke up from a cryo pod he always had one. Thomas waited for the female's response.

Subject: Grail: "Thank Q" - Warming Up (Kirby)

Kirby repressed his smile at the man in front of him, then snapped back to attention as the Lt. Maj. gave her instructions. With the lack of rank insignia on the skinsuits that all the Marines were wearing, Kirby didn't know who was in charge after the young woman left. He had thought that he heard a young man say that he was a lieutenant, the one with the cat, but as he was busy shaking the cobwebs from his head, Kirby's training and years as a DI took over. But first...

Kirby let down his hand from his salute. "Corporal Castle," he said.

"It's Lieutenant Castle now, Sergeant. "

"That's Chief Warrant Officer, second class," said Kirby. "But you can call me 'Chief' Kirby," he said around a smile. "Ten-Forward? Thirty minutes?"

Castle smiled. "Fine. "

Kirby's face fell into a serious scowl that Castle remembered from his training days. "Now," Jeb said. "My men can get clothes from the replicators in here, but where is their gear, and where is it stowed?"

NRPG: We can't report 'till we find our equipment, ya know.