Grail-Parker " Finishing up", and "The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out"OOC-Hello everyone. Just wanted to let everyone know that I was back from leave. Sorry for the abrupt leave, but something came up.
This post is hopefully going to tie up loose ends.
Parker exited the conference room with the other officers after they were dismissed from lunch. The vulcan half of his brain had already switched into high speed as he quickly made a mental note of the days to come and the information that he would need.
As Parker started off towards the mess hall for lunch, he noticed that his commanding officer Lt. Hunt was heading directly towards him. Not being sure what the man wanted he simply turned around and faced him. Almost immediately he regretted that he did.
Hunt was probably unaware that Vulcan’s empathic abilities came through touch and that any unwelcome or surprising touching was considered rude and uncomfortable to them. As the wave of anger and hate flowed through Parker from Hunt, his first reaction was to pull away and then backhand the man across the corridor. But something stopped him.
Parker could tell that Hunt’s emotions were not directed towards him, or least not the brunt of them. This man was flowing with anger towards something that had to do with him. And then it stopped. Hunt had turned around and left him standing there. The emotions had been so overwhelming that Parker hadn’t even noticed what the man had said.
* Peculiar. What a very odd man *..Parker thought. *A man in pain and
Parker mearly shook his head and continued down the corridor for lunch.
Parker entered the mess hall and noticed that several of the officers had grouped together at the tables and were concentrating on their conversations more than the plates in front of them.
* All the better.. * he thought noticing that he still felt very uncomfortable from his earlier encounter with Hunt.
He walked over to the replicator and just waited there until he decided on a suitable lunch.
"Computer... Cheese Burger and French Fries please."
<Please state exact parameters>
"Use Menu item Parker 112"
The computer chirped once and then in the tray a large steaming meal appeared. A thick and juicy char broiled all beef patty laying on a thick sesame seed bun. On the side of that lay another half of the bun pilled with bright and colorful crisp looking vegetables. On the other side of the plate lay a pile of hot steaming long cut crunchy french fries. Parker removed the food and went to the nearest table.
Most Vulcans were vegetarians, but Parker could never quite get the taste for vegetables only. He quickly ate the dinner and then got up and headed towards the door for his quarters.
As Parker entered his room he headed straight for his desk.
"Computer, please access personal files for John Parker. Overriding access code Parker Alpha Alpha Beta 213 Charlie Enable."
<Confirmed. There has been one authorized access of these files since your last request.>
"Computer, Identify last user."
<Admiral Ballentine of Star Fleet Operations.>
*Ballentine of Special OPS. He certainly has access to them, but why. The man had never even seen Parker before.*
"Computer, were the files sent or copied to anyone."
<Affirmative. Records have been sent to Lt. Hunt.>
Parker’s heart started racing. He hadn’t even been in this operation a month, and already his true status in Star Fleet had been compromised.
"Computer initiate Sulak Worm 213-C. Enable."
This computer worm was designed to work with the Grail’s computer. It would very quickly move it’s way through the computer system and remove all information that dealt with any classified information about him. The only bad thing about it was that it was a dooms day virus. He couldn’t set it to leave the copy of his records that he sent to the commander in place. He would have to talk to him in a little bit.
The worm only took a few minutes to completely work its way through.
The signal came back that the job was finished.
"Parker to Commander, we have a problem"
<What is it Lt.?> He asked.
"It seems that my....resume...has been discovered by someone."
<We will talk after the meeting Lt.>
Jeremy Delaney
Lt(jg) John Parker
Asst. Chief of Operations