Grail-"Thank Q" ParkerLt(jg) Parker was walking with Lt. Hunt and the rest of the OPS personnel when the call came in.
<Lt. Parker>
"Parker here Sir. "
<Report to the battle bridge>.. and with that the channel closed before Parker could respond.
Nodding to Hunt, Parker turned around and headed for one of the secure turbolifts to the Battle bridge. As he approached, he keyed in the necessary authorization code to release the door. And the lift moved swiftly into action. Moments later, the doors opened to the Spartan command center.
Looking around, he noticed that he was the first officer to arrive.
He quickly called up a list of procedures for bringing the BB up to full readiness from his mind.
OOC- I know that the BB would probably be manned at all times, but I didn't know who would be there.
* The others will be along shortly. Might as well get to work. * he thought as he walked to the command chair. Not bothering to take the time to sit, he simply keyed in a few commands and then moved to tactical, conn, and OPS respectfully. Just moments into the station power up, the doors swooshed open again, this time to reveal Lts. Stone and DeMontigny.
OOC- I know that Stone is Tactical, but I didn't see DeMontigny on the site???? I will go on the assumption that he is not OPS or Tactical since we already have one of each here. Who would be in command? Generally it would fall to one of two people. Either the Ranking officer(if he or she has the command training for it), or the OPS manager on duty. Parker used to be Second officer on a ship, and I would be happy to do it if no one else wants to:-)(hint, hint)
Jeremy Delaney
http://www. geocities. com/Area51/Rampart/6418 ICQ-3765479Lt(jg) John Parker-Asst. Chief OPS- USS Grail
Lt(jg) Tom Hawkins- Chief Engineer- Starbase 109
Admiral Ilea Hawkins- Gateway Project Commander-Starbase 109(temp. )
Ensign Tom Hawkins-Security officer-USS Defender(MIA)
Ensign Ryan Mace-?????????-USS Defender(to be announced)