Subject: Grail Maquis lost post

Sorry for this being late, I'm still catching up from my leave. This is in response to Hunt's asking Parker for anything else to add in the report.


"Yes I do Lt. Thank you. About 15 minutes ago I monitored a bizarre pattern of thoron emissions running through out the ship. The emissions were found due to a scan that was authorized by Commander Terrakian and Lt. Hunt. The reasons for the scan is at this time unimportant, what is at hand at the moment is the reason and purpose for the missions.", Parker stated.

"Do you have any thoughts as to a reason Lt. Parker", Commander Terrakian asked.

"As a matter of fact I do Sir. The emissions seem to be consistent with past Maquis tactics for throwing of probes and sensors. It is still widely used by them. They usually like to use it for quick attacks or for operations that they wish to keep hidden for long enough period of time to get in, and get out."

"Excuse me Mr. Parker, but just how do you know so much about Maquis tactics that seem to elude even some of Star Fleets best intelligent reports.", someone asked.

"Those reports are censored for very special reasons, some that I don't even know about. And before you ask how I know this, I write those reports to Star Fleet. As to why and How I know this information, that is classified."