Grail- 'Thank Q'- RomulansTalis couldn't tell how long he'd been out. Probably not long, he'd never been knocked unconscious for very long, the Jem'hadar rarely were. The only way to keep him down was to kill him, and it take more than a little explosion to keep Talis'Agar down. He got a good look around, there were Romulans everywhere, Talis counted about fifteen. There were three Jem'hadar, all of which were from Talis' ship.
Five to one odds, apparently the Romulans knew the reputation of the Jem'hadar. Talis and the other two were bound in chains and apparently sent to some sort of ''slave'' quarters. Where they were set to do work (OOC: What kind of work do the Romulans have their slaves do, anyway?).
One Romulan, apparently the "first" of this group was talking to one of the other Jem'hadar, and getting no where. Talis was the only one of the group who spoke Romulan.
Finally Talis spoke up. "Romulan cowards. "
The "first" Romulan went up to him. "Someone who can actually speak. "
"We all speak. "
"Good, now you can tell me where the nearest Dominion base is. "
"I won't and neither will any of the others. "
"You do realize that I will kill you. "
"Someone will die. "
The Romulan thought about that statement for a few seconds. Then he balled his fist and swung it across Talis' face.
Jem'hadar Warrior