Subject: Grail: The Treaty of Algeron - Standing Up (Brinn)

<<Stardate: 47307.16-16:55>>

<<Main Shuttle Bay>>

Athalya Anne sighed and looked around. Everyone was there, in full

combat uniform, as per her orders. She couldn't decide which turned her

on more; fourteen men in skintight suits or fourteen men in combat

uniform. She took a mental snapshot of this view, also. Another

picture to keep her warm at night.

"Well, Major," one of those hot men asked, "How come we're here?"

She eyed him, fully enjoying it. "Because you're not elsewhere." Once again, Athalya Anne ran her hand over her mouth to ensure she wasn't drooling.

The doors swished open, for the final time. Captain Epic Terrakian strode into the shuttle bay.

"Atennnnnnntion!" Athalya Anne shouted, out of deference for rank, and listened as they all snapped to obey her orders. Another turn on.

*Rank does have its privileges....*

"Sound off!" They all introduced themselves at the top of their lungs.

Epic nodded as the last one finished. "At ease." He took a deep breath and began to tell them why they were all there.


Epic took another deep breath. "Dismissed." The Marines filed out. Except for Athalya Anne. She put her hands on her hips and turned to face Captain No-soul with a glint in her eyes that most clearly resembled Klingon Battle Lust.

Shannon/ LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn