Subject: Grail: Treaty of Algeron - Command Tactics (Terrakian/ Brinn)

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 17:10>>

<<Main Shuttlebay>>

"Sir." Athalya Anne Brinn looked the Commander up and down. It was apparent he had no idea why she was still here.

"Sir, reporting for punishment, sir!"

She had done it again. With a few words, Athalya Anne had managed to stop Epic Terrakian dead in his mental tracks. He could not tell whether there was seriousness in her statement, or whether that wicked gleam she perpetually showed was playfulness.

No. Not playfulness. This one was no kitten, and would never play the role. This one was a lioness. She played on a different level entirely.

::If you ask me, she's looking for a spanking.::, Magda laughed from the darkness of Epics mind. Epic laughed inside, unable to reconcile the Majors personality with that of an upstart child.

::Don't laugh at me brother. I'm serious.::, Magda warned. ::I have seen that look before. I have seen it in your eyes. She's daring you. Stalking you.::

Epics confusion was becoming irritation. ::To what purpose?::

Magda sighed in exasperation at her thick-skulled brother/ host. ::It's a wonder you have ever had any lovers at all. She's testing you. She will need you to prove that you are `worthy' to ... `command'... her.:: Magda's attitude became lascivious. And teasing.

::You're crazy.::, Epic decided and shut her down.

"Do not so willingly submit yourself to my correction, Athalya.", Epics eyes became slitted, gauging her. He was unused to dealing with those who possessed such powerful defenses against his empathic powers. She was a closed book. With a deceiving cover.

"`Athalya'?", she arched an eyebrow. "Sir, I prefer Major Brinn." Athalya had been assimilated on Auria IV.

Epic didn't know the game, so he had to do what he did best. Push it to the edge. He walked right up to her. She did not shrink away, to the contrary, she seemed to lean up to him, daring him to do his worst. He leaned down, his eyes growing darker as he stared into her own blue eyes.

"I have years to mete out the punishment you have already earned, and will continue to earn, I am sure. But if you think I will waste any effort on trying to break you, you are mistaken. I don't want you broken." His nose was only inches from hers. His voice became a low growl. His breath was hot on her cheek.

"I want you shrieking, friggin', wild. Screaming like a banshee. I want you cursing and spitting and cutting and shooting and laying devastating waste to anything that stands in our way. OUR way!", he raised his voice.

"Because this ship is coming back, you wailing dervish! This ship is MINE! You are MINE! And I will not do a damned thing to reduce your rage and hate and bloodlust! When I cry `HAVOC!', you will scream my name in orgasmic fury while you kill my enemies! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, MARINE!!!"

Athalya Anne always has been and always will be a Marine, despite the fact that she didn't have a sense of duty. It wasn't necessary. The Marine was so deeply imbedded into her psyche that you couldn't separate the Marine and the rest of Athalya Anne without killing her. She always would do her duty, but because Athalya Anne's fierce sense of independence, it wasn't always immediate.

And she wanted to laugh. Oh, Lord, how she wanted to laugh. *So, he wants to beat me down. He wants it so that I am loyal to him and him alone. That is as good as broken. But if he thinks he can come before the Corps, that asshole is sadly mistaken. Screaming his name in orgasmic fury, indeed!* But she shouted "Sir, yes, sir!" She didn't laugh. She wouldn't laugh for the life of her.

It was Epic's turn to be surprised. *Not for the first time today.* She thought wryly. He seemed almost shocked at her docilness. If you could call it docilness. Epic seemed to almost deflate, as though he had expended energy he didn't have. He backed off. "Dismissed."

Athalya Anne turned on her heel and all but marched out of the Shuttle Bay. A thought hit her. "Oh, and sir?" Epic nodded, "I'm not 'yours' until you wine me and dine me and only then if you ask nicely." All this she said without the least bit of emotion and left before anything else could be said.

Cmdr Epic Terrakian and LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn