Subject: Grail: Treaty of Algeron - Meeting Your Major (Brinn)

<<Stardate 47307.16 19:12>>

<<Brinn's Quarters -> Quartermaster's Office>>

Athalya Anne looked up from the numerous padds scattered in front of her. *Paperwork.* she thought with a large amount of disdain. But still, the operation did require a goodly amount of it. The operation.

She grinned at the thought of bashing a few Rommie heads together. Well, to be specific, more than a few. At least a couple hundred, but probably somewhere around the area of thousands.

"At least a thousands of people will die today at my hands." she absently mumbled to herself. Instead of making her feel remorse, the thought gave her a feeling of power. She enjoyed the ego rush that she experienced just then. Knowing that she had the power of life and death in her hands was a huge power trip. And Athalya Anne didn't mind killing to get it. Killing was the only thing that could give her that same power rush anymore. She gingerly leaned back and shut her eyes, recalling the last feeling of absolute terror and then peace that people absently project before they come to their demise.

She would see that feeling again. It would be an affirmation that she was better than those who she terminated. It would be an affirmation that she was a Marine. It would be an affirmation that she was better than others who did the same/ similar job that she did. Athalya Anne could only smile. *Kick that nappy Rommie ass, girlfriend!* a little voice in the back of her head said. Athalya Anne smiled. *That we shall.* she responded to it. *But in the mean time, we have work to do.*

She turned her attention back to the padds in front of her. There was a minor logistics problem to work out. *Oh, fire! Staring at padds won't do you a bit of good! Go talk to someone!*

It was as though the computer had read her mind. Athalya Anne was acutely paranoid to entertain the thought for a couple of seconds.

*Oh, chill, Brinn.*

"Play message."

"1Lt. Thomas Marritza needs to talk to you."

She sighed. Marritza had been on her 'need to contact list'. But unfortunately for him, he had been about sixth on the list.

"Message to 1Lt Marritza: Lieutenant, your initiative is commendable. However, there are certain things that need to be taken care of now. I will get back to you ASAP. End message."

Now, to get to the first four on her list. "Computer, locate Lt. Logan Castle."

"Lt. Castle is in Quartermaster's office."

She arched an eyebrow. The quartermaster had been second on her list.

*How convenient.*


Athalya Anne stood outside of the Quartermaster's office, empathetically reaching out to the occupants. She didn't like what she was 'seeing'. Something didn't seem quite right. She had felt this before. In her Grandmother's pub. All ready, she felt her temper rising.

*Oh, nooooo. They did not.* Drinking during an alert.

Athalya Anne put her hand on the door chime. No response. She put her hand on the chime again. A slurred 'enter' came.

And enter she did.

LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn