Subject: Grail: Treaty of Algeron - Making the Rounds (Brinn)

Athalya Anne stepped into the quartermaster's office.

"May I help you, Major?" she asked. Athalya Anne warily took in the scene around her. Her eyes were telling her that there was only one person, but her empathic abilities were telling her that there were at least four. *Oh. No. Not this.* Empathic 'slur'. It always happened when she was tired. She perceived people a bit later. She sighed.

"Yes. As a matter of fact you can."


"So," Athalya Anne asked the Quartermaster, "You can do it?"

"Easily." the Quartermaster shrugged. Athalya Anne tried to probe her, but with no success. All she could read was a bunch of empathic 'slurring'.

"Good. See to it. We'll be needing them hopefully before the hour."

The Quartermaster nodded.


"Brinn to Engineering."

=/\= Lt. Prynne here. =/\= a distinctly feminine voice answered.

"Lieutenant....." Athalya Anne stopped, unaware of why she had even called in the first place, *Well, I'm not going to make the same mistake.* "Lieutenant, do not move."


"Lieutenant, you are not to move one step." Athalya Anne was making sure that this one did not move.

"Understood." Came the slightly bewildered response.

LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn