Grail: Treaty of Algeron: Chewing the Meat (Brinn)<<OOC: My spelling is horrible. Especially when it comes to the
spelling of the types of Rumulan Warhshipz>>
Athalya Anne sighed. Was it her imagination, or did Ms. Prynne's empathic 'voice' seem louder than the rest of the ship? *Come on, Brinn. Focus.* The slurring was getting to her like something bad.
"Of course. I'll see to it." Prynne was saying.
"Good." Athalya Anne stifled a yawn. "Be ready to go on a seconds notice."
"Yes, sir."
Athalya Anne turned to leave. "Oh. And feel free to move about now."
Prynne shot her an odd look. "Thank you, sir."
Athalya Anne coolly eyed the Cardassian/ Bajoran who stood before her.
"So, what you're telling me, Mr. Marritza," not bothering to conceal the condescension in her voice, "is that D'dtierex class warships can easily be destroyed."
"Yes, sir." he now looked slightly nervous, as he should be.
"Mr. Marritza, let me ask you one thing." Annoyance now resonated through her voice, "How in Terra's good name do you know that we will encounter a D'dtierex class warship?"
Athalya Anne cut him off, "Mr. Marritza, when you summon me, under this kind of situation, I fully expect you to be able to tell me how to destroy every ship in the Romulan fleet and make it look like an accident!" she was hissing now. *Get a hold of yourself, Brinn.* But she couldn't. She was dead tired and wanted to go to sleep. Mr. Marritza was standing in her way. He was the enemy. "Lieutenant, let me tell you how extremely disappointed in you, I am."
"Yes, sir!"
"Here." she tossed a padd at him. "See to everything that's left." He eyed the considerable list, "Yes, sir!"
She nodded. Her malicious attitude was growing. "And while you're at it, memorize locations of the key points on every class of Romulan ship we know about, in addition to knowing how to destroy each on them."
"Yes, sir!"
Athalya Anne left now. She hadn't gotten two steps into her quarters when she collapsed into the deepest sleep she had slept in months.
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn