Subject: Grail: Treaty of Algeron: Dancing at the Zombie Zoo (Brinn)

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 22:43>>

<<Mess Hall Deck 10>>

Athalya Anne watched the crowd, tiredly sipping at her Aussie beer.

*And they said you couldn't find it off of the Defender or outside of Australia.* She thought triumphantly.

A familiar figure caught her eye. Captain Terrakian and En Kaya were conversing. *Ensign Kaya?* Athalya Anne wondered. *Well, androids are security problems, for the most part. Especially her.* Athalya Anne smiled as she tried to get the guest of what they were saying. Unfortunately, her tele/empathic powers were still drained and she wasn't poised to do much lip reading. *Am I drunk or are they flirting?* She wondered impassively. *Remember this. It will come in handy.* She looked around again. *Ooh. A Deltan.* She chased the fantasies out of her head. *She's a woman, for cripes sake.* Still didn't stop her. Athalya Anne sighed. No wonder the Deltan was on this mission.

Athalya Anne's eyes absently wondered back to Terrakian. He was alone now. She sighed yet again. Alcohol always depressed her. And it was alcohol she was having. Athalya Anne got up and strode over to him. It was time to offer her condolences.

"Captain." She paused, realizing that she hadn't thought out what she was going to say. But then an attack of maliciousness seized her as her empathic powers kicked in and she realized that he didn't miss the damned old man after all. Athalya Anne took a deep breath in. Her next words were tainted by heavy sarcasm, "Please, allow me to extend my sincere condolences on the loss of your commanding officer. It must be a terrible tragedy to lose him so quickly on." And as was becoming her habit, she walked away before he could reply.


Somehow, Athalya Anne had found her way into the galley. *Maybe I can do something constructive.* Truth be known, she wasn't needed out there. The man was dead and they were partying like it was 2999. Although she considered herself 100% Irish, and this was intended to be a good old fashioned Irish funeral, there was always some degree of sadness behind the jolly faces. Not here. Some were glad the old captain was gone. And celebrating that was outright sick. Even for her.

Surveying the scene, Athalya Anne noticed a green uniform amongst the crowd. *A Marine?* she wondered as she set a course for the him.

Athalya Anne stood in front of the man, looking down at the top of his head. Slightly balding. It didn't take him long to figure out that he was being watched. "Sir!" he jumped up.

*He jumped and I didn't even have to snap!* She thought with some degree of amazement. "As you were." she looked at what he was doing and then sat down opposite of him. *Well, finally. Something constructive to do.*

LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn