Re: Grail: "The Treaty of Algeron" - "More KP"<<Stardate: 47307.16- 22:30>>
<<Mess Hall- Deck 10>>
Entering the mess-hall Alison grabs a glass of champagne from a tray and makes her way through the crowded room until finding a table to sit at in peace.
Taking a sip from her glass Alison surveys the crowded room full of people she hardly knew or didn't know at all. A little closer look and Alison sees a familiar face. *Corvette Hunt the little boy who thinks he's some sort of spy or something he tries to pull this childish act as if nobody knew that intelligence and Hunt go together as about as well as oil and water.*
A further look she notices lieutenant Parker mingling with other officers. *Not half bad looking without that cheeseburger hanging out his mouth.* Alison takes another sip of her champagne. *Too bad he seems more interested in brownie points than talking to someone
Lt. Alison Donucci..