Grail: "The Treaty of Algeron"- `Romulan Politics'[OOC: This begins the new chapter titled `The Treaty of Algeron'. What it is and what it signifies will be relayed in narrative as we go. All posts from this point should be titled thusly.]
<<One Light Year Beyond Romulan Space>>
Subcommander Thalissa listened to the instructions of Proconsul* Neral with something akin to disdain.
<A probe has been launched to ascertain the nature of the random wormhole. You are to maintain your position and meet with the Dominion delegation as ordered.>
Thalissa sneered, her face not visible, only her voice being transmitted. "Proconsul, the Science Vessel D'Reidon has reported the warp signature of a Federation Vessel moving toward that location at warp 5. It will arrive before your probe. It is my advice that we detach one warbird to intercept it."
<Do not disobey these orders, Subcommander. They come from the Praetor** himself.>, came the Proconsuls threatening reply.
"Understood.", Thalissa hissed as she closed the subspace channel with a vicious stab at the commlink.
She stood abruptly, moving over to the window that showed the wilderness of stars that was the universe. Senator Deravar should have sent her new orders by now. Out here on the fringes, news was slow to come. Most subspace communications were monitored too closely to risk a message directly to him. But, the Dominion delegation would be within sensor range in one hour and she needed to know if she was to escort them to Romulus safely, or attack.
Deravar had wanted the Praetor to resist the overtures of the Dominion. He believed that they would be an even more treacherous ally than the Klingons had been. He wanted nothing but odds with the Dominion.
And if Thalissa did not have his specific orders in one hour, that was what he was going to get. She only hoped he was ready to act on his front, at that time.
Thalissa did not consider that what she did might instigate a civil war in the Senate. In fact, she almost preferred it. Since the Tomed Incident of 2311, she felt that the Romulans as a people were losing their edge. And with the nearly successful reunification attempted by Ambassador Spock a few years ago, it seemed to her that the racial purity of the Romulans was doomed to dissolution.
She punched the duraplast wall. Not while she was in command of a starship!
In a fit of impatient fury, she spun and stalked out onto the Bridge.
"Helm.", she growled. "Lay in a course for Sector 472. Warp 6."
"Tactical. Relay identical orders to the R'Larn and the T'saloset. At a distance of 2 light years, we cloak."
Thalissa sighed away the last of her tension. It always relaxed her when she was able to take action.
Even if it meant bringing her people to civil war.
<<Sector 472- 4 Light Years Beyond Romulan Space>>
The Dominion Convoy, made up of a single Warship and a half-dozen lesser ships had maintained a loose formation since they had reached the first Romulan Sensor buoy.
The Founder who led the expedition, Harrad, had sent the appropriate salutations by subspace and had not received the appropriate response in the accepted amount of time.
Placing his Jem'hadar legion on alert, they had broadened their formation and had begun to probe the surrounding space with broad-band Tachyon spreads. Harrad didn't really expect treachery by the Romulans, but he had not risen to his current position by being reckless. Or trusting.
Still, when the attack came, he couldn't believe it, and he couldn't resist it.
A single Romulan Warbird had de-cloaked less than 12 million kilometers away. It seemed to be responding in appropriate fashion. However, it was simply a distraction, one which the `first' of his personal bodyguard had suggested, while the other two Warbirds approached within 400,000 kilometers and began pulverizing their lesser vessels with furious disruptor fire.
In less than a minute, the Karradieen was the only vessel left and despite a heroic effort on the part of her crew, succumbed only a minute later. Without warp power and with all weapons systems disabled, Harrad had responded to the order of surrender. The Romulans boarded and secured the Karradieen, and 5 minutes after the Dominion Convoy had only become aware of the Romulan presence, Harrad came face to face with the Romulan Subcommander Thalissa.
She walked onto the cold bridge of his vessel with an arrogant swagger. Her dark hair was somewhat matted by her sweat and the way it clung to her forehead and cheeks was alluring and this was supported by the rosy flush of her cheeks. Harrad had an image of the female in the throes of a sensual passion. It inspired him to flattery.
"If I had known I was being assaulted by so passionate and sensual warrior, I might have simply rolled onto my back and allowed you to have your way with me without the destruction..."
Thalissa shot him with a disruptor set at maximum. Harrad died in an explosion of his own disintegrating molecules.
Thalissa snorted laughter. She had heard about the `smooth-talking' Founders. Did he really think that flattering words would turn the head of a warrior-born?
=+=Subcommander. =+=, came a hail from the communicator at her belt. She pressed the stud, opening the two-way channel.
"Report.", she ordered.
=+=The Federation Science Vessel, identified as `Indiana' has just passed within 5 million kilometers of our cloaked sensor buoy in Sector 470.=+=
"Acknowledged.", she replied, then thumbed another button. "Commander Sarvid."
=+= Yes, Subcommander. =+=
"I want you to proceed to Sector 470 and report to me the disposition of the Federation Vessel you will find there." `Why not?', Thalissa thought. They could only execute her once. To the Infernal Realm with the Treaty of Algeron.
=+= Yes, Subcommander. =+=, Sarvid responded with something of a grin in his voice.
*Proconsul = the head of the Romulan Senate.
**Praetor = the Leader of the Romulan Star Empire.