Grail: "The Treaty of Algeron"- `Standing Down'<<Stardate: 47307.16- 17:00>>
Commander Epic Terrakian stepped onto the Bridge, still considering a dozen delicious tortures for the beautiful Marine that was now his XO. She had responded to his threats, but Epic was not convinced that she submitted to him because of them. He determined that she had simply had her fill of screwing with his mind. And that single thought that she had practically projected past her own shields made him certain that she had not yet yielded. `The war ain't over yet, sonny-boy.'
Epic was going to have his hands full of trouble with this one. So, why was he looking forward to it?
`Because you're an idiot.', Magda spoke to him from the back of his mind.
`Oh yeah.', he answered her with a mental smile. Epic stepped over beside Lt. Cara Hatcher at Tactical. He watched her performing scans and read the results. Either the Romulans were not yet ready to respond to this bizarre and temporary phenomenon, or they wee surrounding the Grail even now, cloaked and undetectable.
Either way, they couldn't stay on Alert forever.
"Lt. Donucci.", he attracted the attention of his Chief Flight Officer. Her hair waved wildly about her face as she turned. "Take us to one light year from this position, bearing 330. Warp 5."
Her fingers wriggled over the Helm interface. "Course laid in, Commander."
Epic stepped over to the Big Chair. He sat slowly. Alison Donucci waited for his command. He considered how he would commit his orders.
"Execute.", he finally decided on.
And the Grail moved under it's own power for the first time since leaving Spacedock.
"Lt. Hatcher.", Epic stated as they moved into warp. "Stand down Red Alert and open a shipwide channel."
There was a chirp as the lights came up and the red lights stopped flashing. "Channel open.", Cara Hatcher called.
"Attention all. This is Acting Captain Epic Terrakian. The Red Alert has been cancelled and Gamma Shift officers should report for duty.
"At 22:00 hours, funeral services for Captain Zebediah Cochran will be held, with a wake to be held in the Mess Hall. Deck 10. Senior officers and their assistants have a mandatory obligation to attend.
"Engineering should consider itself on Yellow Alert until all its responsibilities have been seen to.
"Thank you."
Epic turned in his chair, watching the Blue Shift Officers replacing their superiors at the various Bridge positions. Shipwide, the same dance was being done. The Departmental heads had been on alert for 11 hours. They needed to relax for a while.
Epic had a feeling that the Romulans would not ignore the random wormhole forever.
"Sir.", came the voice of the current Tactical Officer. "By changing our position, we will have moved up our rendezvous time with the Indiana by one day. We will achieve our target goal in 22 hours."
"Thank you, Ensign.", Epic responded. Then, his mind turned to his deceased Captain. His deceased father. He would be expected to make a speech after Corvette Hunts ceremony was completed.
At the moment, he didn't know what to say.
<<OOC: At the moment, it is 47307.16- 17:00. Until 08:00 tomorrow, 47307.17, all PC's are `off-duty'. Thereafter, I have very specific and evil plans, so, take this time to interact with the rest of the crew and developed whatever personal plots and stories you desire. I will instigate plans of my own for next weekend, so, if you have anything you'd like to do during this time off, try to have it submitted by next Saturday, Feb. 14. And for you Jem'hadar out there, this week will see you integrated into the crew. Thank you.>>