Subject: Grail: "The Treaty of Algeron"-`Whom the Gods Choose'

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 17:45>>

<<Wandering the Ship>>

Commander Epic Terrakian resisted the urge to go to Science Lab 14 and throw out an empathic net with the intention of making contact with the Borg Specimen. Because, if he had gotten a response, even the barest glint of an emotional presence, he would have.... Sigh.

Angeline Deshaine.

Damn it. Why did it have to have a name?

Epic certainly couldn't feel anything emotive coming from Eve Mallory, but she wore her heart on her sleeve for all to see. Eve repeatedly questioned starfleet's refusal to `reclaim' the Terran woman. Epic wasn't certain, but he thought he knew why the question was important to her.

Eve had.... intentions.

But, Epic didn't want to think about them right now. He had almost gone to the brig to question their captured saboteur. Jarel. But, he was definitely NOT going to do that tonight. The man was spouse to the... to Angeline[damn it]. Epic wasn't going to look that man in the eye and tell him...

Tell him what? That he had no authority to give him back what was rightfully his? Epic still didn't even know why she hadn't yet been reclaimed.

Argh! He growled low in his throat, shaking his head. A passing ensign gave him a sidelong glance, probably wondering if `Captain Dracula' was going to turn into a werewolf or something. He smiled to himself. Stranger rumors had started for lesser reasons.

Epic eventually found himself outside Main Sickbay, Deck 12. The doors opened to admit him. He entered.

A junior grade lieutenant, McPherson, Epic thought his name was, was sitting and listening to the slender Alterian, Kyp Firespray. Firespray was in the middle of a dramatic dissertation on an unknown star system deep in the Delta Quadrant. Both medic and storyteller stopped at his entrance.

Firespray looked both relieved and anxious to see him. Epic took a deep breath and walked up to him. McPherson left to attend to reports with a curt nod. Epic reciprocated.

"Mr. Firespray. My apologies for the delay in releasing you. We find ourselves in unusual circumstances.", Epic said.

"Indeed.", the Alterian nodded.

"I understand you have some concerns you'd like to express. I am here to listen to them before I make some requests of my own."

Epic moved over to a small conference table, indicating that Firespray sit. Kyp sat, and Epic did also.

"So, what is on your mind?"