Subject: Grail: "The Treaty of Algeron"-`An Unusual Request'

(Joint effort by Kyp Firespray and Epic Terrakian)

<<Stardate: 47307.16-17:45>>


"So, what is on your mind?", Epic asked.

"Well, sir, from what I've learned from the rumors flying around the ship, you're heading into the.. um.. Delta Quadrant?" Kyp Firespray looked to him to see if he had gotten the name right. Epic nodded.

"Anyway, I have an unusual request."

"And that would be...?", asked Epic, even though it seemed he knew what the Alterian would say.

"Well, I was wondering if you would take me home. To Gamma Alteries."

Epic could sense the younger mans anxiety. But, he spitefully toyed with him. This young one was the reason he had been dragged almost 3000 light years from home in the blink of an eye.

"This isn't a chauffeur service.", Epic spoke in a low tone.

"I know. I know. That is why I offer my services as Ambassador to the Delta Quadrant. I know of species that you couldn't possibly imagine. My people have had vast trades with many species in this region of space."

Epic nodded, his thoughts going to the Q. She had suggested the value of this young alien in the same way. Obviously, the `kid' had picked up on that and had decided to use it to his advantage. Actually, Epic had intended to ask the Alterian to serve in that capacity. It seemed, now, he would not have to in-debt himself that way. Firespray seemed uncomfortable with Epics silence.

"Rumors of a strange ship that had been pulled across the galaxy had reached us. I believe it was called `Voyager'. Is that the ship you seek?"

Epic betrayed no reaction to this. On one hand, the Alterian might very well have heard of Voyager in the depths of the Delta Quadrant. But, Epic felt the possibility of a deception here. Even if the kid had heard of Voyager, he couldn't possibly know that the intention of the Grail was its salvation. Unless, McPherson or Lorelei or Dr. St. Claire had informed him previously. Epic had no experience with the emotional responses of his people to be able to `read' him effectively. Was the kid being coy? He would have to wait and see.

"Yes.", Epic finally answered. "It is the Voyager we seek." This pleased the young Alterian.

"Well, then. You will need me more than ever to help in tracking down your ship." The kid looked like he had scored a victory. Epic almost laughed.

What Firespray was not considering was, if the news of Voyagers passing had already reached Gamma Alteries, the Grail probably wouldn't now need to go that far to find them. And in the years that will follow, the Voyager will be moving closer to the Alpha Quadrant and farther from Gamma Alteries. But, once in the Delta Quadrant, Firespray could find his own ride the rest of the way home.

Anyway, Epic didn't expect to live that long. He shrugged. "I accept your offer, Ambassador Firespray.", he said with a smile.

With his immediate problems solved, Epic noted the ease with which this son of a Regent fell to the familiar attitude of expectation. "Also, there are a few more things. I will need accommodations. And a computer terminal with access to your libraries. And Stellar


Epic genuinely smiled at the kids royal air. "Fine. Anything else?"

"Yes. Just one more thing. The Q said that others had survived. I request that if we find any, we take them on board for our trip home. That is all."

Epic looked at him for a moment before responding. "I have a feeling, Ambassador, that, as we move deeper and deeper into the Delta Quadrant, we will find many refugees. We will fulfill our obligation as universal protectors to hopefully salvage them all."

The Alterian bowed gratefully.

"And, Mr. Firespray. If it is helpful to you to be in the company of others in the wake of your planets... difficulties, I encourage you to attend the funeral services for our Captain this evening. I am unfamiliar with the grieving practices of Alterians, but it might be comforting to you to be among those who have also experienced loss. For you, it is discretionary. You do not have to answer now, but I extend the invitation. I shall have Security escort you to your accommodations on Deck 8, and assist you in familiarizing yourself with our technology.

"Good evening, Ambassador."

"Good Evening, Commander."

Firespray watched the man go.