Subject: Grail: "The Treaty of Algeron"- `Preparing to Pounce'

<<2 Light Years from the Current Position of the Grail>>

<<The Bridge of the Romulan Warbird T'saloset>>

"Commander Sarvid.", came the call from Tactical. "We have the Federation Vessel `Indiana' on sensors. Shall I activate the viewer?" "At once.", Sarvid responded. After a day travelling at warp, things were finally getting exciting. "And go to Cloak."

"Affirmative.", the Tactical Officer responded efficiently, the lights on the Bridge dimming noticeably from the power drain the cloaking device exerted.

"Communications. Send an encrypted subspace message to Subcommander Thalissa. Inform her that we have the `Indiana' before us and await her instructions. How long before she will receive this message?", Sarvid asked.

"Forty-three minutes.", the Comm replied.

"Helm. Match the Federation Vessels velocity. We will follow it until we receive orders."

Sarvid was somewhat exhilarated by this chase. Certainly, an antiquated Federation `Oberth' class Science Vessel was no combative match for a Warbird, but the possibility of destroying it brought on other considerations. If Subcommander Thalissa ordered an attack on the vessel, it was a no-excuses Act of War on the Federation.

"Message sent, Commander.", sounded the Comm. Then, almost immediately. "Commander. The `Indiana' is transmitting to another Federation Vessel and receiving a response."

"What?", Sarvid spun in his command chair. "What is the content of these communications?"

"They are encrypted, Commander. ", came back the Comm. "We will be in sensor range of the other vessel in 58 minutes."

"Helm. What is our current velocity?", Sarvid demanded.

"Warp 5.", responded the Helm.

Sarvid grimaced, then nodded to himself. "Increase to Warp 8. I want to know who the `Indiana' is talking to before the Subcommander responds with our orders."

"Acknowledged.", came the Helms crisp reply. "Adjustments completed."

<<17 minutes Later>>

Sarvid was pacing before the Main Viewer. It was inconceivable that a Federation Vessel could have gotten out this far without one of their sensor buoys detecting it. Not unless it had approached from the Galactic North, and that was impossible. The Federation had never gone that far before.

"The second Federation Vessel is within sensor range.", the Comm reported suddenly.

"Bring it onto the Main Viewer. Maximum magnification.", Sarvid almost shouted.

Suddenly, the viewer went from dead gray to the deep blue of space. In the viewers center, the tiny spot of a starship showed. Despite maximum magnification, he was unable to discern much. He stepped farther back away from the viewer.

"Comm. I can't make it out!", he growled.

"Sir. We are getting these images through a network of sensor buoys. There is some degradation. Attempting to compensate.", the Comm replied anxiously. After a few moments, the image clarified, but to their eyes, the vessel was still indistinguishable from the stars around it. A panel chirped.

"Sir. The Tactical computer has identified it as a Federation Galaxy Class Starship!", came Tactical's incredulous report.

Sarvid looked into the Tactical Officers eyes just to be certain the man wasn't joking. Of course he wasn't joking.

"Well, how in the Infernal Realms did it get all the way out here without us knowing about it?"

The Tactical Officer only shrugged at the Commanders question.

"Comm.", Sarvid licked his lips. "Maintain sensor lock on the `Indiana'. Helm. Full stop."

Though no inertia was felt, the viewer gave the approximation of deceleration.

"Comm. Inform the Subcommander that we have a new problem.", Sarvid growled.

Wormholes. Ambushes. And now, Federation Warships. Sarvid had to admit. Things were maybe starting to get too exciting.