Subject: Grail: 'Treaty of Algeron' - Natural History

USS Grail: 'The Treaty of Algeron' - Natural History


Lt. Eve Mallory and Lt. Logan Castle

<<NRPG: This takes place before the Memorial service.>>

Castle picked himself up off his barstool and was immediately confronted by En. Piotr Dimitri. "Why am I being reassigned to Flight Control?"

"What?!", Castle asked in irritation, giving the man a shoulder to shoulder shove to get past him. Dimitri looked miffed at the impunity, but did not let it go.

"A Flight Control Officer told me I was going to be reassigned."

"Who?", Castle turned back to face the man. He was getting a headache from the drinking he had done with Zeb Kirby. He had to drop by Sickbay for an anti-inebriate before he saw Eve. His hands were hard enough to control when he was sober.

"I don't know his name.", Dimitri shrugged. "We met outside the Holodeck. I was just about to enter when...."

Dimitri stopped as Castle laughed at him. "You were hoodwinked, Piotr."

Dimitri did not understand the reference. Castle elaborated. "You were snookered. Beat. Tricked."

A scowl grew on Dimitri's face. Then, he nodded to his Chief, squared his shoulders, then went back the way he came.

Castle smiled all the way to Sickbay.

Castle ran to his quarters, feeling a hundred times better than he had only a few minutes ago. The anti-inebriate was just what he needed. In fact, he suddenly felt like a drink.

He entered his rooms and pulled off his uniform. Before jumping

into the sonic shower, he left a message for Eve Mallory on her personal

messenger. `Wear comfortable shoes. Logan.'

Logan Castle pressed the door signal and waited for Eve to respond. He gave himself a quick check, then shrugged. He wore the simple clothes of his hometown of New York Province. A pair of blue denim jeans [the style hadn't changed in 400 years and probably wasn't going to], a snug short-sleeve collarless shirt, his Marine Academy jacket and a pair of black boots. The only jewelry he ever wore was a Cross of gold on a gold chain around his neck.

Though it might seem a poor and lazy choice of attire, there was

motive in his choice. And it was simple. Never dress better than your

date. They hate that.

Eve answered the door. She wore a gray sweatshirt with the logo "Property of Alcatraz", a pair of soft trousers, and boots, all topped off with an old battered jacket with the logo "49'ers" on the back. Her hair, which was normally done up in a tight bun or ponytail, was now hanging down loose. The difference between Eve Mallory, Starfleet Officer and Eve Mallory, woman, was stunning.

Logan was temporarily lost for words, and Eve immediately looked self-conscious.

"You said comfortable," She said.

Logan regained his voice. "It's fine," He replied. *More than fine!* "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Eve asked.

"The Holodeck. I have a surprise for you."

Castle stopped before the doors to the Holodeck. It was free, and would be for the next two ours. He had reserved it for `Close Encounters'. He poked at the command pad, and a few seconds later, the computer announced, "Program loaded." The doors opened. They entered. Though the lighting was low, there was still plenty to see by. The chamber they entered was enormous and airy and was dominated by a pair of dinosaur skeletons twisted in the throes of mortal combat. "Where are we?", Eve asked in a whisper. The acoustics of the place made her voice seem large.

"The Museum of Natural History in New York Province. This is my favorite place in the whole galaxy.", Castle answered more loudly, his voice echoing.

"Why this place?", she asked as she stepped across the broad marble floors, staring straight up at the high ceiling thirty feet overhead.

Castle took her hand and pulled her at an angle away from the direction she was randomly heading.

"I used to get in a lot of trouble when I was a kid. This was the only place they would never have thought to look for me. I had a bit of a crush on the sciences when I was a kid. A regular `Rogue Scholar'." He smiled at his own play on words.

Still holding Eves hand, Castle showed her all the things that were his `favorites'. From the dinosaur fossils to the Egyptian Tombs exhibit. He spent the most time in the medieval armor exhibit, pointing out the pieces that impressed him most, indicating their historical


Finally, they came upon a great room that was dimly lit. They had to descend a broad stair to reach the floor. But, before they even took a step, Eve stood in awe of the gargantuan replica of a Blue Whale that hung suspended from the ceiling. She couldn't believe the size of it.

The walls of the great chamber were broken by arches that numbered a dozen on the walls to left and right. Four on the wall opposite the great stairs. A balcony level above showed an identical display. Each arch was the frame for a panorama dedicated to the myriad examples of Terran sea life. She could spend hours just looking at the whale.

And on the floor, so small in comparison to the grandiose displays, was a simple round table with places for two. Castle pulled her along and helped her sit. She stared straight up at the belly of the whale.

"We would have had dinner now," He said apologetically, "But with the Captain's Memorial later, I didn't think.."

"It's fine," Eve replied, dragging her eyes from the whale above. "We can always come back again and do it properly."

Logan smiled. "So there's going to *be* a next time is there?"

Eve grinned at him. "Sure there is, especially if you take me places like this." She paused. "This must be only one I never went to."

"One what? Museums?" Logan asked.

Eve nodded. "My parents took me to a museum when I was 5." She said quietly. "I was fascinated, couldn't get enough. We ended spending the entire day there, just wandering around looking at all the history laid out for us to see." She smiled, remembering. "After that, they took me to others, all over the world. I wanted to know everything, how the pieces were found, how they were restored, what the stories where behind them."

"Sounds like you were on your way to becoming a historian or archaeologist." Logan said.

Eve nodded. "I could have been, I guess. If things had been different."

"What happened?"

Eve looked away. "I was 10, and I was being taken to New York for my birthday." She waved her hand. "I think we were going here, eventually. There was a problem with the Shuttle's power and it crashed, killing 150 passengers, including my parents, and leaving me paralyzed." Her eyes were bright with unshed tears. "The rest you probably know."

Logan said nothing, but warmed Eves hands with his own. When he was certain that her melancholy had passed, he smiled mischievously.

Eve smiled, swiped at her eyes. "I never had time for Museums again; I was always too focussed on work, too busy running away from things I couldn't handle. Still do in a way." She seemed to shake the memories away. "But that's a depressing topic."

"So, I guess I owe Blake an apology for accusing her." Logan commented.

Eve shook her head. "No, she'll understand. It was something she'd do, if ordered." She was silent for a moment. "She's done worse."

"If it's none of my business, just say so, but what were you and she fighting about in the Lab?"

Eve shook her head. "Maybe one day," She replied, "But not today. It's still a little raw." She glanced at her wrist-crono. "The Memorial's in half an hour, we'd better be going."

Logan stood up, and held Eve's chair back for her. They made their way through the cavernous halls, to the entrance. The doors of the Holodeck opened smoothly, and they found themselves in the brightly lit halls of the Grail.

"Walk you back to your quarters?" Logan asked with a smile.

Eve smiled back. "If you think you can get back to your quarters and change in time, sure."

"I'm a man of many talents." Logan replied with a roguish smile.

Eve gave an exaggerated sigh "What am I going to do with you, Logan Castle?"

Logan stepped forward, looking into her eyes. "I'm sure we can figure something out." He said seriously.

There was a long silence, and then Eve dropped her eyes with a faint blush. Then they started walking. There was no holding of hands, but they each stayed close to the other.



Lieutenant (jg) Eve Mallory

Chief Science Officer: USS Grail / ICQ Number: #4194684