Subject: Grail: The Treaty of Algeron - Finally! Quarters!

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 17:10>>


François DeMontigny walked off the Battle Bridge with his bag of personal belongings slung over his shoulder. He was glad to be out of there. Parker and he had been fighting ever since Major Beautiful had left and, although he enjoyed seeing a pissed off Vulcan, it was getting tiresome, especially since he was right. Parker just couldn't seem to accept it. DeMontigny stepped into the turbolift.

"Deck 2." he said absentmindedly.

Once there, he headed for his appointed quarters, got to the door, and entered. He looked around for a moment, then his eyes fell on his bed. He went over and sat down on it. Taking out his antique electric guitar, he strummed a few notes while thinking of his new ship. Of his new superiors. François had always had trouble with superiors, he only obeyed those that he deemed 'worthy' of command. Those he respected. His direct superior, Lt. Alison Donucci, or Lt. Desirable as he called her, was still a question mark. He had met her quickly on the bridge, but hadn't really had time to 'size her up'. She was, however, one attractive Lieutenant. Next up was another question mark: Lt. Major Brinn, Major Beautiful. Appeared out of thin air, she had become the XO a couple of hours later. That really ticked DeMontigny off. He had hoped for a rearrangement of command more... beneficial to him. But instead, a stranger had been chosen. By the new Captain, Epic. Epic Terrakian was now the Big C. That was going to take some getting used to. Heck! François thought Commander Terrakian was weird enough! But François knew Epic. more than that, François respected him. They were kindred spirits and DeMontigny knew he'd make a good Captain. Still, it was going to be weird. Then a thought came to him.

"Computer, what time is it?" François asked out loud.

"17:30" came the cold feminine voice.

The Junior Grade Lieutenant got up, put down his guitar and straighten his uniform before walking out.

<<Ten-Forward - 17:35>>

François looked around. Epic wasn't there, as he had thought. Although he had asked DeMontigny to meet him here, that was before the appearing marine. And the unstable wormhole. And the alien escape pod. And the magical Admiral. And the death of the Captain. No, Epic wouldn't come, he was probably neck deep in work. But it mattered little, seeing that they would be on the same ship for close to a decade. They'd have other chances.

Finding a table a little isolated from the others, François ordered a drink and sat back. It had been a busy day.

Lt(jg) François DeMontigny

Asst. Chief of Flight Controls

USS Grail