Subject: Grail: 'Treaty of Algeron-'She's got legs!'

OOC: I apologize in advance to the players whose character I have speak if I misuse them, but the Wednesday deadline John gave didn't allow me to ask permission. Although I'm all for the deadline, things were moving a little slow...

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 22:30>>

<<Mess Hall- Deck 10>>

François was having a great time. The food was great, the drinks were great and the women were especially great. He already had two dates scheduled. Taking a bite out of his sandwich, François looked at the room from beside the buffet table. Everyone seemed to be having fun, despite the fact that it was supposed to be a funeral. Off in a corner, though, Epic Terrakian stared out the window, looking as grim as ever. François had tried to loosen him up, had even gotten him to have some champagne, but Epic's mind was clearly elsewhere. He resolved to talk to him later. Coming up beside François, Lt(jg) Parker started putting some food on a plate.

"So are you having fun, Parker?" François asked, obviously teasing.

"The food is consistent and the conversation has been interesting up to now." answered the half-Vulcan.

François ignored the jab, he had spotted something more interesting. An old-fashion glass jar of pickles, complete with a metal lid. DeMontigny hadn't had a pickle since he was something like ten years old. He had always loved them, so he reached over, grab the jar and tried to open the lid. Stuck. He tried again.

"Do you require assistance, Lt?" asked Parker. François could have sworn he saw him smile.

"No, I don't require assistance, Parker." he answered sourly as he continued in his failed attempts at opening the jar.

"You are aware, aren't you, that I am five times stronger than you are?" continued the half-Vulcan.

"Yes, I am aware of that. My best friend at the academy was a Vulcan. A _full_ Vulcan."

"Then why do you continue to fail to see the logic in my assistance?"

"Shut up, Parker."

DeMontigny gave up on the pickles and put the jar down. As he walked away, he heard a distinct *pop* as Parker completely the task. That's when he saw them, walking through the crowd. The most perfect pair of legs this side of Risa. He watched them move around on their high heels for a while, then decided to look up. A short skirt introduced a very shapely body crowned by a beautiful face and the bald head characteristic of a Deltan. She was talking with a very long-eared fellow of a race he had never seen before. François decided an introduction was in order, so he walked up to them.

"Excusez moi," he said politely to the both of them, "but I couldn't help noticing that you were some of the only crew members here that I hadn't met yet. Let me introduce myself: Lieutenant François DeMontigny, the new Assistant Chief of Flight Control, à votre service." as he bowed, he grabbed the Deltan's hand and deposited a light kiss upon it. The long-eared fellow didn't seem to pick up on his true intent.

"Nice to meet you Lt. DeMontigny. I am Ambassador Kyp Firespray of Gamma Alteries. Your ship picked up my pod a few..."

"Yeah, yeah, welcome aboard Kypper." François interrupted before turning his attention back to the Deltan, "And you are?"

"I am Chief Counselor Lorelei." she said, "It is indeed a pleasure to meet you Lt. I have heard about you."

Damn! François thought to himself, I knew she couldn't be perfect! So how do I handle this one? Do I seduce her like on the Champagne or dodge her like on the Nova? He looked her over. Who am I kidding!

"Really," he said with an uncertain smile, "Nothing bad I hope?"

"Actually, I was referring to your file. I though we could set up a mee..."she started, but François cut her off.

"How you ever tried pickles, counselor?" he said, then cursed himself. Pickles?!? Is that the best you can do? Lorelei, however, was caught a little off guard.

"P-Pardon me?" she asked.

"Pickles." François answered, "They are an old earth delicacy. Come, you must try them! See you around, Kypper!"

He then dragged the stunned counselor away from the even more stunned Alterian.

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 22:45>>

Lt(jg) François DeMontigny

Asst. Chief of Flight Controls

USS Grail