Subject: Grail: 'Treaty of Algeron-"Catching up"

{OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a bit.. I got a little caught up in RL events, but I should be back almost full-time again. I'll do my best to catch up as quickly as possible... apologies to all. Kait, just write a reaction as you wish for the end.}

Stardate: 47307.16, 16:58

(Turbolift en route to Main Engineering)

Janice was fuming. She had just seen Castle in the hallway just as she had entered the turbolift. She had never been so incredibly mad at one person before in her life. The fact that he had the nerve to interrogate her officer like he did... and _after_ he knew that he was innocent! She couldn't comprehend why someone would ever do that. It bothered her more than she could say. *I should mention something to Captain Cochrane...*

Her thought trailed off suddenly. *Cochrane is dead.* Somehow, the thought didn't bother her much. She had never actually met the captain - and now she would never have the chance. She shrugged. From reading the little file that she had access to, he didn't seem like someone she would have liked serving under anyhow.

As she strode into Engineering, she could feel her muscles relax. Just the sound of the warp engines relaxed her. She still had yet to discover why. She started tapping on the nearest console, checking up on the progress of the repairs. She smiled. *Just about done. What a crew.* Just then, the ship's communications went online.

=/\= Attention all. This is Acting Captain Epic Terrakian. The Red Alert has been cancelled and Gamma Shift officers should report for duty. At 22:00 hours, funeral services for Captain Zebediah Cochran will be held, with a wake to be held in the Mess Hall. Deck 10. Senior officers and their assistants have a mandatory obligation to attend. Engineering

should consider itself on Yellow Alert until all its responsibilities have been seen to. Thank you. =/\=

She waited for the shock in her crew's faces to slowly subside before she got their attention. "If anyone has a special reason to attend Captain Cochrane's funeral, please talk to me, and I'll get you off duty. Otherwise, we have a lot of work to do. We are under Yellow alert, as of now. Let's get some work done!" Not waiting for someone else to begin, she began tapping on the console nearest her.

Slowly, the crew began working again. She wandered over to the warp reactor, and began running a tricorder over the coolant tanks. No one approached her to attend the funeral - she wasn't surprised. He didn't seem to be the kind of captain to get down in the depths of the ship to get to know the little people. He had done all that through Epic.

Epic. He must have been the only person aboard the ship who had really talked to the captain as far as Janice could tell. She hoped he was taking it okay...

Her thoughts were interrupted abruptly when her assistant, Kaitlyn Brennan approached her curiously.

"It's a little eerie here. Did I miss anything?" Kait asked.

Janice grimaced. *She hasn't heard yet...* She hated to be the bearer of bad news. Swallowing, she spoke, laying her arm on Kait's, just in case she was going to be upset by the news.

"Kait, I have some bad news for you. Captain Cochrane has passed away. The funeral services are to be held at 2200 hours, and both of us are required to attend. If you need some time to yourself, it won't be a problem."


Stardate: 47307.16, 17:20

(Main Engineering)

Lt. Cmdr. Janice Hargen