Grail-Treaty of Algeron-It's A Date<<Stardate: 47307.16- 22:15>>.
<<Deck 8, Kyp's Quarters>>
Kyp must have dozed off, because he was awakened by the sound of the computer telling him that the funeral was in fifteen minutes. Kyp got up and walked over to the sink. He washed up a bit before going over to the replicator.
"Computer, could you please create something that I could wear that would be appropriate for an ambassador at a funeral." Kyp had no idea what the customs of this...Federation were. he just hoped he could learn them well enough in time.
The replicator hummed for a few seconds, before producing a black robe with a black jumpsuit and black shiny boots. Kyp looked at them and then put them on. Just as he was putting on his boots his door chime rang.
"Come in."
The door opened and there was the counselor he had met before. "Counselor Lorelei how good to see you."
"It is good to see you as well. I was wondering if you were going to attend the Captain's funeral services in ten-forward."
"Yes I was going to. Your Commander thought it might be good to grieve with others."
"Yes that would be very wise. Well, since you are heading that way I thought you might like to accompany me."
"That would be wonderful, since I have no idea of how to get there other than this map the computer produced for me."
She laughed a little before the tow of them walked out towards the turbolift. They entered and she ordered the lift to ten-forward. They entered and no sooner had they paid their respects when a young man approached the two of them.
"Excusez moi," he said politely to the both of them, "but I couldn't help noticing that you were some of the only crew members here that I hadn't met yet. Let me introduce myself: Lieutenant François DeMontigny, the new Assistant Chief of Flight Control, votre service." as he bowed, he grabbed the Deltan's hand and deposited a light kiss upon it.
Kyp didn't know if this was another one of their customs to kiss the hand of someone they have just met.
"Nice to meet you Lt. DeMontigny. I am Ambassador Kyp Firespray of Gamma Alteries. Your ship picked up my pod a few..."
"Yeah, yeah, welcome aboard Kypper." François interrupted before turning his attention back to the Deltan, "And you are?"
"I am Chief Counselor Lorelei." she said, "It is indeed a pleasure to meet you Lt. I have heard about you."
"Nothing bad I hope?"
"Actually, I was referring to your file. I though we could set up a mee..."she started, but François cut her off.
"How you ever tried pickles, counselor?" he said.
"P-Pardon me?" she asked.
"Pickles." François answered, "They are an old earth delicacy. Come, you must try them! See you around, Kypper!"
He then dragged the stunned counselor away from the even more stunned Alterian.
Kyp looked around for the Commander. he found him off in a corner staring out a window. He walked over to him. "Commander I am deeply sorry for your loss. I too understand what it is to lose someone."