Subject: Grail: Treaty of Algeron - Know your enemy
Thomas Marritza - Squad Leader
Thomas left the cargo bay and snowball followed behind him, as Tom walked he wondered if the current Romulan - Federation reactions were that bad where we would break the Treaty of Algeron. As he walked threw the corridors he observed the crew each of them seemed to be in there own little world. It had been some time since Tom had been on a starship it would take some getting use to.
Tom walked in his quarters Snowball followed him in then the doors slid close. Tom headed for the replicator "Chopped beef about 2/3 of an inch in diameter served in a dish" the dish appeared Tom set it on the floor and Snowball began eating it quickly. Thomas took a minute to look around his quarters they were large. <One advantage of being on starship> he thought to himself.
Tom sat at a table which was across from a window, it had a computer sitting on top of it. "Computer bring up the ship specs for a Romulan D'deridex class Warbird." With in seconds the mass ship appeared on the screen, Thomas began taking notes on a padd:
The D'deridex class Warbird is was nearly twice the overall length of a Galaxy-class starship. Also the Warbird utilized a artificial quantum singularity as a power source for it's warp-drive system.
Tom thought for a second how could 1 Galaxy-class starship destroy a Warbird, and take there cloaking device. Tom began than looking for weakness in the Warbird they had greater firepower but a slightly lower sustainable warp speed. < If we blow up the warp core with a antimatter explosive device it would give us time to take the cloaking device and it would appear that ship hit subspace rupture and caused the a warpcore overload. I must share this with the Lieutenant-Major> He thought to himself.
"Computer contact the Lieutenant-Major, tell her I need to speak wit her." Tom waited for the reply.......................
(OOC: You want to take it Major?)