Grail: Treaty of Algeron: Par'MachTom went back to his quarters uneasy, he wonder why he let the Major get on his case Tom won't let his own mother talk to him like that. If that was anyone else Tom would have yelled back, even though he did screw up. But Tom didn't believe so because D'deridex-class Warbirds are the only Romulan ship equipped with a cloaking device. Either way she wanted all the weaknesses on all the Romulan ships and he was about to give up until he damn sure found them.
Tom place the padd in his pouch, for some reason it really effected him when the Major told him that she was disappointed in him. He couldn't put his finger on it but what she thought really meant a lot to him. At first Tom thought because she was a woman but he shook his head that wasn't it he had served under woman before but none as pretty as her. He just didn't know what it was. He walked in his quarters and as soon as he came threw the door Snowball ran up to him and rubbed up against his leg.
Tom walked over to the replicator " Milk chilled, in a bowl, and a bowl with chopped liver in gravy." With in seconds the food appeared and Tom set the dishes on the floor snowball began to eat the food. Tom set in a chair pulled out the Padd and the Major had given him and he began to read it. He figured that the first thing on the list he should do is check all the weapons and supplies.
Tom still didn't know why what the Major said meant so much to him. Tom walked out of his quarters and head for the main cargo bay as Tom left his quarters it hit him its was par'Mach to shook his head. <Not now, Damn!> he thought to himself.
Thomas Marritza
(Omega Company Squad Leader)